Sorry, I wasn't clear before. Here's the scenario:

1. Joe, of Joe's Diner, downloads my application, MetaApp.

2. Joe licenses MetaApp from me.

3. This gives Joe the right to modify MetaApp slightly and distribute it. 
MetaApp is a way for Joe to display information placed on his web site to 
his clients in a custom environment. MetaApp downloads everything it 
needs from Joe's web site, on the fly, but it needs to know where Joe's 
web site is to get started. One way to do this would be for Joe to 
include a preference file with his copy of MetaApp. But I want to 
simplify things for Joe, so:

4. Joe uses a second MetaCard application I provide to him, 
MetaAppCustomizer. He enters his web site's address into 
MetaAppCustomizer, and maybe a logo, and points it at his licensed copy 
of MetaApp. MetaAppCustomizer then modifies MetaApp, hard coding Joe's 
web address and logo into it.

5. From then on, Joe only needs to distribute the one file, MetaApp, to 
his customers--his copy points to his web site.

Is step 4 easy, hard, or somewhere in between? I'm hoping that the object 
structure of MetaApp can be exposed to MetaAppCustomizer, so all I have 
to do is something like,

set the baseAddress of theAppFile to ""



Geoff Canyon
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