On 10/26/99 4:04 AM, Kevin Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I think my previous repy covered all of this?  Either the customizer is a
>stack, in which case the main application anticipates it and downloads it or
>opens it from disk at the right time, or its a standalone, in which case it
>must be made to open one of the stacks in the main app that has been saved
>in a seperate file (not part of the executable).
>To get a better idea: try building a standalone that goes to a second stack
>in a file, and place a button in that stack to go to a stack in a URL.  In
>the stack you place on the web, have it check the openStacks on preOpenCard,
>find the stack that is stored on disk that originally connected to the web,
>change something about it (e.g. the backColor) then save it.

Not quite--I don't want my user to have to give _his/her_ user two files. 
Here's a more concrete example. (Again, apologies, since I obviously have 
yet to make this clear)

I just created a small stack with one button, one field, and one custom 

The custom property, called "testProperty," contained the text, "This is 
the really the text to modify"  --that's not a typo in this email, I 
actually typed it that way in the property by accident.

The button's script was,

on mouseUp
  put the testProperty of this stack into fld 1
end mouseUp

I built the stack into an application, Mod.app. When I ran Mod.app and 
clicked the button, the text, "This is the really the text to modify," 
appeared in the field. I quit.

I then opened the application with BBEdit, and searched for the text, 
"This is the really the text to modify." When I found it, I changed it 
to, "This is some dangerous text to modify." (note the identical 
character length)

I saved Mod.app out of BBEdit, and quit BBEdit.

I ran Mod.app, and clicked the button. Voila! the field contained "This 
is some dangerous text to modify."

My questions are:

1. Is this dangerous? (obviously, yes)
2. Is there a way to write another MetaCard application to do this? (also 
obviously, yes--a MetaCard application could do the same thing I did with 
BBEdit--the file can be read/written as binary if necessary)
3. Is there a better way to do this with a MetaCard application? In other 
words, is it possible with a MetaCard application to do this with 
something like,

Set the testProperty of application "Mod.app" to "This is some dangerous 
text to modify."

I'm assuming the answer to 3 is no.
4. If I write an application to go in and hack the string, as in 2, does 
the string have to stay the same length? (my guess would be yes, but 
obviously this is dependant on MetaCard's internal data structures, and 
so is more of a question for Kevin or Scott)


Geoff Canyon
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