Hi!  I have two questions for the experts. The questions are perhaps basic 
for programmers but obviously not for me.

Question 1

I am working on grammar stacks (for my language students).  One of the 
problems that language students have is typing accented vowels. For this 
reason, I have created butttons which will put accented vowels into the 
answer field.  The script below allows me to put the accented vowel in the 
answer field but it will fail substituting  a selected text. Any idea on 
how to fix the script?

on mouseUp
   focus field ans
   put "ì" into the selectedchunk
   focus field ans
end mouseUp

The original script I had in Hypercard (I am changing all my stack to 
metacard to benefit from the crossplatform/web feature) was:   "select the 
selectedchunk / type the short name of me" (the button had the name of the 
accented vowel.

Question 2

How do I save to a file all the student's "wrong answers" so that I can go 
back and analyze them for their benefit?  All my questions are in one card. 
The student type his/her answer in a field called "ans".  I would like to 
save the files created in a folder called "ebank" or something similar. Can 
the same feature be apllied if I have multiple choice questions (buttons).

Many thanks to all those who will reply.


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