At 12:15 PM -0600 2/2/2000, LK Hagen wrote:
>On Wed, 02 Feb 2000, you wrote:
>>I am working on grammar stacks (for my language students).  One of the
> >problems that language students have is typing accented vowels. For this
>>reason, I have created butttons which will put accented vowels into the
>> answer field.  The script below allows me to put the accented vowel in the
>> answer field but it will fail substituting  a selected text. Any idea on
>> how to fix the script?
>Mine worked when I just did
>on mouseUp
>put "i" into the selectedChunk
>end mouseUp


Possibly the setting of the traversalOn property of the button affects this.

Set to true, and clicking the button removes the focus from the field 
so the selectedChunk will be empty. Try setting it to false to keep 
the selection in the field.

Dave Cragg

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