I have been working like crazy on an educational project. This set of
mathematics exercises required some intricate programming -- particularly
since I have the Starter Kit. Very heavy use of "do" and "send."

These things worked quite well. I set up my problem set with a "Start"
button, which contained a few handlers designed to allow problem checking
and new problem generation. To keep the well-meaning student from clicking
the "Start" button a second time, I disabled it upon clicking. The new
problem set started up fine -- then froze. No, the program did not freeze,
but the problem that should have been generated next wasn't found.

I checked my code time and again, only to come up more and more frustrated.
Then I realized I was trying to "send" to a handler in a disabled button.
Not only does disabling a button keep it from receiving a mouseup message,
it prevents it from receiving ANY messages!

It took a while. But I found it, and it made sense.

So I rerouted a couple of items. This set of exercises is complete, and I am
ready to proceed to the next set. And it works great!

By the way -- this is the first time I have essentially had more than one
thing going on at the same time. A timer is counting down at the same time
other actions are occurring! Scott, your instructions on using "send to ...
in xxx milliseconds" was incredibly useful.


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