Today I've been playing with groups in MC and found
it quite frustrating, for 2 main reasons (if I missed
anything please MC gurus enlighten me) :

- the only way to group controls is to select them first,
which makes grouping/ungrouping on the fly via script
quite cumbersome : you need to set the selected of each
control to true, then group, then set the selected of all
controls back to false. And if you don't wznt your controls
to be selected on screen during the process, you have to
perform a lock screen / unlock screen...
Frankly, I miss the groups in OMO where you could group
any number of objects by simply listing them in a variable
(the same kind of list that you get with the selectedobjects)...
The good side of it was that the same object could be part
of different groups at the same time...

- it looks like grouping controls changes the numbering of
those controls : for instance I have 50 images on screen and
the user can select any of them (like image 12 to 25 and 37
to 42) and they're supposed to get automatically grouped.
What happens is that all images being in a group are
re-numbered ! Therefore I had no choice but to change
my scripts and use the id instead...
Is there any *good* reason for that kind of behavior ?

Thanks. JB

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