At 1:06 am -0500 24/7/01, Jacqueline Landman Gay wrote:
>Yay! From the 2.4b4 Read Me:
>>  The showFocusBorder governs whether a focus border is drawn around the
>>  object when it has the keyboard focus.
>Thanks so much, Scott.

Thanks too.

But give us an inch.....

I asked before for a way to turn off Drag and Drop in fields. But 
looking at it again, I think the behavior of the Drag and Drop should 
be changed slightly.

In the current beta, after selecting text, clicking down on the 
selection *immediately* switches to the Drag and Drop cursor, and any 
subsequent dragging of the mouse will move the selected text.

This means we can't change our selection by clicking in the currently 
selected text (to select a new start position) and dragging 
elsewhere. (I've already made a royal mess of a script by trying to 
do this.)

I'd prefer a slight delay (half a second perhaps) before the Drag and 
Drop mode kicks in. Before that time, dragging the mouse should just 
change the selection in the conventional way. Also, more visual 
indication that Drag and Drop is now on would be nice. (e.g. border 
round the selected text, more obvious cursor, warning siren <just 
kidding>, etc.). Most apps I use that have drag and drop do something 
like this.

Ideally, I'd like to have the option to turn Drag and Drop off and 
have the above behavior when it is on. But I'd probably settle for a 
slightly more forgiving implementation than the current one.

If none of this is possible right now, then my preference would be to 
disable Drag and Drop completely in this release. (The current 
limitation of dragging within a field gives it limited usefulness.)

Dave Cragg

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