on 07.24.01 2:52 PM, Dave Cragg wrote:

> Personally, I just don't like Drag and Drop as a text editing method.
> Once you start dragging, you're in a kind of no-man's-land with a
> live bomb where you can't simply abort the mission. You've got to
> drop it somewhere. But if no one else here is bothered, then I guess
> the users of my programs won't complain either.  But I feel I'm going
> to be in the position of making software that I wouldn't be
> comfortable to use myself.

I use drag and drop in Outlook Express and Word and other programs, and I
like it. However, I do turn it off occasionally, when I can, to keep from
tripping over it during complicated maneuvers.

My feeling is that MetaCard's d&d is touchier than Microsoft's. I activate
it by accident (using MetaCardPPC) MUCH more often than in other contexts.
It may be, as you suggest, a matter of timing. A wee bit more delay, a tiny
bit more strict about the boundaries of the selection, a little bit faster
to change the cursor...

On the whole I welcome the feature, but I would like to be able to turn it
off and on.


+++++      Tereza Snyder
+++++    Software Developer
+++++  Attainment Company, Inc.
+++++ <www.attainmentcompany.com>
+++++       608.845.7880

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