Maybe something like:

function stripDup theList,theitemDel
  # verify param
  if theList= "" then return ""
  if theitemDel = "" then put cr into theitemDel
  set the itemDelimiter to char 1 of theitemDel
  put empty into tResultList

  repeat for each item tItem in theList
    if tItemList[tItem] is empty then
      -- this is much faster than:
      -- if tItem is not among the items of tResultList then
      -- associative arrays rock
      put 1 into tItemList[tItem]
      put tItem & theitemDel after tResultList
    end if
  end repeat
  return (char 1 to -2 of tResultList) --remove final delimiter
end stripDup

In my testing, this finds the unique words, in order, in an 8000 word text file in 
about .05 seconds. Again, associative arrays rock. The repeat for each... structure 
does too.


Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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