Blair mail wrote:
> I am trying to make a little MC app that will act as a CD file launchpad
> to open an Html file (Win OS only ):
> 1. Autoplay the MC file from a CD when it is put in any CD drive with
> the file:
>  which contains the text file:
>  [autorun]
>  Open=MyApp.exe
>  Icon=MyApp.ico
> 2. This presents the user with a single MC window (MyApp.exe) with 2
> buttons; "Launch" and "Cancel"
> 3. When "Launch" is clicked, it executes the following script:
> on mouseUp
> # determine the default web browser and put it into a local variable.
>   put queryRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\http\shell\open\command\") into
> tDefaultBrowser
> # determine the drive letter of where the CD was launched from.
>   put directory into dirName
>   set the directory to dirName
> #open the file from the CD in the browser
>   launch "folder1/Index.htm" with tDefaultBrowser
> end mouseUp
> 4. So far this is almost working.. It launches the browser and tries to
> open the index.html file. But, the path is missing the directory
> (dirName). So...
> the browser URL looks like this:
> http://folder1/Index.htm
I think the problem is "http", if you just want to read a local file
shouldn't it be "file:///folder1/Index.htm"? Also why not use the whole
path -- dirName & "/" & "folder1/Index.htm"?

> Question : how can I get it to use the directory variable to point to
> the right path??
> Thanks,
> Blair
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