> If your software/delivery package can accommodate an extra 1.3MB or so,
> there is indeed a workaround.  The concept is to create a standalone
> launcher app which handles your launching and then shuts down.  The launch
> process looks something like this:
> Your App --> Launcher App --> Browser (or other application)
> Using this technique it is possible to decouple the launched application
> from your stack.
> This behavior has bugged me ever since I started MC to launch external
> applications.  Thanks to list member JBV (sorry, I don't know this person's
> name) I've built out a workaround over the last few weeks that seems to be
> flexible and reliable.  This also handles a number of "real world" problems
> that occur when faced with browsers other than IE and NC.

Just a couple of remarks :

1) this problem (an app being shut down with the app that launched it)
occurs under Windows only : on Mac (and AFAIK on Linux) too, the
launcher quits but the launched app keeps running.

2) the workaround works with all sorts of apps (not only browsers).
For instance, I'm using it for a few months to launch the QT installer.

3) in your app script (after launching the launcher app), I strongly
recommend to add the following line :
    wait 1000
before quitting. Indeed, you need to make sure that the launcher app
has the time to start and launch the other app (I've met some problems
a couple of times).

> The only drawback
> is the additional 1+ MB file required, which can be a lot in the case of
> downloadable stacks/apps.

Yep, it's a bit of a waste to have to built a 1.3 Mb standalone just
to run a few lines of script.
IMHO this shows that the suggestion I posted a couple of months
ago made some sense... That suggestion was that MC, when building
the standalone, would add to the file only those parts of the MC engine
actually used by the app. I guess it requires the MC engine to be split
into some kind of librairies, and to be smart enough to analyze the
scripts & the app structure to decide what's useful and what's not...
I don't know if that's feasable (or if it requires MC to be re-written
from scratch), but in the case of web applications (in which you often
make heavy use of only a small set of functions - like in chat apps), it's
quite difficult to ask ppl to download 1+ Mb (even if it can be reduced
to 700 Kb when zipped). The extra Kb could be better used for sophisticated
artwork, etc.


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