> This one will find the difference areas between two effect descriptions- this
> nails down about where you can find the actual parameter values. This is
> useful if you choose the same effect twice with the same parameters, but
> choose two different values. Presumably you could swap the changing values
> into this area of the description.
> on mouseUp
>   answer effect
>   put it into effect1
>   answer effect
>   put it into effect2
>   put 0 into startChar
>   repeat with i=1 to max(length(effect1), length(effect2))
>     if (char i of effect1 <> char i of effect2) then
>       if (startChar = 0) then
>         put i into startChar
>       end if
>     else
>       if (startChar > 0) then
>         answer ("char"&&startChar&&"to"&&(i-1))
>         put 0 into startChar
>       end if
>     end if
>   end repeat
>   answer effect1&cr&cr&effect2
> end mouseUp

I put this into the last line of the above script:

  answer base64decode(effect1) &cr&cr & base64decode(effect2)

which makes it a little easier to see where the differences are. But I'm
not sure how to use the info in MetaCard as a 4-character code. So far,
saving the full description as a property seems like the only option.
It's interesting though; I wonder why the descriptions are in base64
instead of plain text?

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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