This one is a lot less fun, but I found this as well:
(If you dig in the Quicktime docs, you can probably even find the parameters 
for all of these- parameters each have their own 4-char code, for example 
"wpID" for the type of wipe. Just base64Encode() the 4-char code and look for 
it in the description you get back from the dialog- its actually rather easy 
in the realm of reverse-engineering =))

// Two-source effects
kAlphaCompositorTransitionType = 'blnd'
kCrossFadeTransitionType = 'dslv'
kChromaKeyTransitionType = 'ckey'
kImplodeTransitionType = 'mplo'
kExplodeTransitionType = 'xplo'
kGradientTransitionType = 'matt'
kPushTransitionType = 'push'
kSlideTransitionType = 'slid'
kWipeTransitionType = 'smpt'
kIrisTransitionType = 'smp2'
kRadialTransitionType = 'smp3'
kMatrixTransitionType = 'smp4'
kZoomTransitionType = 'zoom'
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