Hi Jaqueline,

> Mark Talluto wrote:
>> ...
>> Use the answer effect command to bring up the dialog.  Create the
>> transition you want in this window.  When you hit the OK button, the
>> effect will be stored in the it variable.  The string will be quite 
>> long
>> so do not be surprised.
> That was the first thing I tried, but when I copied the string into the
> script editor and ran the script, MC crashed (well, I'm using the latest
> beta, so maybe that was the problem.) Then I tried to put the string
> into a custom property instead and whenever I accessed it, the property
> returned empty. So instead of the string that is returned in "it" I was
> thinking to try the 4-character code that is mentioned in the docs. But
> the docs say to find the codes at Apple's web site, and I couldn't. I'd
> like to see a list of these codes somewhere, or else find out how others
> are using the "it" string in scripts. I don't want any user interaction,
> I just want to permanently store and use the effect.
> --
> Jacqueline Landman Gay       |        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> HyperActive Software         |        http://www.hyperactivesw.com

I also looked at the Apple-website and did not find any hint to the 
famous 4-char code :-(

One has to check all the available effects, choose one or more, store 
it/them (see below)
and use it later in a script...

So one can store the long string returned in "it" into a customprop.

The long way goes here (thank you Scott ;-)

1. check
answer effect

2. store
set the nice_trans_coming_from_left of this stack to it
## that's the trick
## and one has to give a descriptive name to that prop !!!
## at least that helps later... ;-)

3. use
visual the nice_trans_coming_from_left of this stack
go next cd ##or whatever

That is the long way, but it works ;-)

Hope this helps.


Klaus Major

Anything to translate, Jaque ? :-)

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