Recently, "Shari"  wrote:

> The update mac menubar handler I posted here recently fails in a standalone.
> You cannot do anything in a standalone that tampers with a script.
> You cannot change a script.  You cannot even get a script.  You
> cannot set the script of an object to anything but what it was when
> saved as a standalone.

Is it possible that you password-protected the stack in the standalone?  I
think you should be able to do all the above provided the stack is not

One way to deal with protection is to set the passkey of the stack before
accessing scripts.  Of course, you can't save anything you do since your
stack is part of a standalone.  If you're looking to save changes to a stack
(ie user prefs, etc) you should keep your data stack separate from the
standalone.  Again, you can password-protect the data, and as long as you
set the passkey appropriately, you should be able to write to the data stack
as needed.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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