>I agree that the documentation is minimal and could use some 
>improvement but  a "worse case scenario thinker" must have 
>anticipated for sure that jumping to production without a proper 
>understanding of the possibilities and limitations of the tool comes 
>with some risks ;-).
>Regards, Andu Novac

Good one :-)

The possibilities are greater than I imagined.  Metacard has more 
features than I anticipated, as a transplantee from Hypercard.

I knew Hypercard intimately.  And did not anticipate such a learning 
curve.  I figured it would have more of everything, and better of 
everything, but did not expect things to work differently.

Actually I like many of the differences.  Especially the ones that 
allow for cross platform programs :-)

When I started with Hypercard, one of the first things I did was 
invest in two big fat books to learn the ins and outs that were 
missing in the documentation.  Unfortunately, we don't have this with 
Metacard, so we just fumble around with what we don't know till we 
figure it out.

We ask you guys, but I've had many questions go unanswered even here, 
so fumbling is the only way sometimes.

Fumbling takes a lot more time than opening a book and having the 
answer magically be there.  I miss having a resource of the caliber 
of the Hypertalk 2.2 book.  That book covered *almost* everything :-)

Shari C

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