>Ambrosia's approach is to have the software phone home to perform validation
>of the reg code.

I've heard this approach discussed.  Many believe it's a serious 
privacy intrusion, unless you're upfront in letting people know the 
software does this.  I like any idea that helps reduce piracy. 
People just don't realize they're messing with someone's bread and 

Even people who sneak out of a restaurant or nightclub not paying, 
assume that some big company will absorb the cost.  But the truth is, 
the waiter or bartender will pay out of pocket.  If they don't, they 
risk losing their job.

>In my experience the majority of theft is done by means outside of your
>control, with the thief making a legitmate purchase with stolen credit card

There are ways to prevent this.  I highly recommend that all 
shareware authors read the shareware author newsgroups, and devour 
all info they can from newsgroups, articles by other authors, etc. 
There are even articles on crack sites, that will help you PREVENT 

>I've seen no evidence thus far that anyone has found it worth their while to
>truly crack my reg scheme, and as long as credit card info remains easy for
>criminals to purchase there is little reason for them to go to that much
>trouble for smaller apps (major game releases are another story).

I'm tightening mine now, as after the current project, I will update 
some software, and the next big project is an RPG.  Very high profile.

Happily I can do things with Metacard that will allow for a first class RPG :-)

But tightening the registration system is a key factor to success. 
I've dissected and resected the code about three times in Metacard 

Today, I think I will have it done :-)

Shari C

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