I agree with Tim.  Open source book writing would be especially useful 
because scripters using a particular OS could take the result posted by 
one OS user and write the corrections/additions for another.  In that 
way, 3 (4? 5?), OS-specific but otherwise identical books would be 
available without all OS-specific stuff for an OS a scripter is not 
using or doesn't care about.  However, in addition to solutions, I 
think anyone could and should take a shot at writing sections of text, 
not just code.

On Friday, October 4, 2002, at 10:03  AM, 

> The fastest way to get such a book would be for members of this list to
> submit their solutions to various challenges to an editor(s). If 
> someone with
> good writing skills could volunteer to be the editor, that would be 
> great.
> Another way might be to "write the book" through this list. Many of us 
> would
> have to do a little work, but that might be more practical than one of 
> us
> trying to find the time to do a lot of work. To begin, we'd have to 
> come up
> with a list of chapters; there was a good start in an earlier post. 
> Then,
> people who "know the answers" could post their solutions. One of the 
> people
> who understands the content and can write fairly well would have to 
> volunteer
> to consolidate the solutions into a chapter. They could then post the 
> chapter
> for review by the members of the list. If this is deemed an 
> inappropriate use
> of the list, most of the work could be shifted off list. Think of it 
> as open
> source book writing.
> Tim Bleiler
> University at Buffalo
John R. Vokey, Ph.D.                       |\      _,,,---,,_
Professor                                  /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience  |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'
University of Lethbridge                  '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)

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