Andu writes, 

> These users 
> although very helpful on the mailing list don't seem to be the kind of
> crowd to invest a lot of time and energy in activities which don't present
> some possibility of profit

And Phil writes,
> One possibility (maybe more easily doable, probably less fraught with
> ownership issues, and certainly more current, than a book) would be to 
> a MC documentation site similar to the one for MySQL (see
> ).

and Richard MacLemale writes
>The idea of doing a documentation site IS better, except for one detail...
>It would have to be hosted by MetaCard itself...
>We did this in the Macintosh Manager world
>...and the thing disappeared a few months later.
>I'll never, never do that again.

I have to admit, although I'd love to have such a book Andu makes some good 
points. This has come up on the list before and nothing has come of it. An 
online strategy is good, but Richard's point about hosting issues is well 
taken. So here's another idea. Maybe we could contribute to Revolution's "Tip 
of the week"  just to get things going and see where it goes from there? If 
we develop a good method for getting things written, then maybe we can 
consolidate what's done and expand to more extensive documentation. Anyone 
from Revolution care to comment on the idea?  Maybe Scott would be willing to 
add something similar to the MC site.

However we decide to distribute the work, I think we need to take a few small 
steps in creating it and see how it goes.

Link to Revolution Tip of the week

--Tim Bleiler
University at Buffalo
metacard mailing list

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