The big problem with a *sanctioned* web-savvy MetaCard or RunRev player is
the potential for *very dangerous viruses*!!

It would be relatively simple to create a stack which deleted all the files
in the Windows folder using a simple mouseOver of an image on a web page --
without the user never knowing. So...things like certificates and possible a
'sandbox' would need to be implemented. I've thought about this a bit and
decided it might be best for a 3rd party to consider implementing, in this
way there's less damage to MC/RR reputation in case something goes 'awry.'

In my case, using ButtonGadget, I'm very careful to password protect the
stacks and check them out carefully before opening them. In this way, I'm
hopeful it would be difficult, if not impossible to create a buttongadget
stack which could ever harm a user. This by no means is a gauntlet tossed
down for you experts to try and create ButtonGadget viruses!!! :-) (pretty
please dont)


> At one point the Rev team announced the development of a player but it
> hasn't come about yet. It's something that wouldn't take much work but
> really should be handled by either Rev or MC.
> I'd suggest that we need launching of programs from web links but also
> something like Java WebStart where the player can be launched and
> a program
> can be chosen.
> I'm sure that if we put together a reasonable specification of the
> requirements then either Scott or Kevin will pick it up.
> Cheers
> Monte
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