--On Monday, December 23, 2002 14:31:40 -0600 Chipp Walters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Chipp Walters wrote:
>> The big problem with a *sanctioned* web-savvy MetaCard or RunRev
>> player is the potential for *very dangerous viruses*!!

I don't understand this discussion, one can D&D a stack on the engine on
all platforms which support it and have it "play". For browsers
one can add
MC as helper application and have stacks "play" as soon as they download,
what would a "player" do differently and why would it be more dangerous
then a plain engine?? Sure I can make a stack which erases the hard drive
"on startup" but so can any application.

Regards, Andu Novac
Hi Andu,

Neither Shockwave (Director and Flash), JAVA, nor ActiveX will imediately
deploy and execute a program upon a simple javascript ON LOAD event which
allowed file access (the first time loaded). A correctly registered MIME
for MetaCard/RR could execute with file access permissions, without so
much as a warning (see my ButtonGadget example). A 'correct' MC/RR player
would involve registering itself as the correct MIME and then doing some
sort of certification and/or file check *before* automatically
downloading and running. There is a BIG difference between just
registering MC automatically as a valid MIME and building a player which
provided some safety measures.
Like what kind of safety measures, a warning that the script (like any script) *could* do this and that to the data on the hard drive if executed?
As to Shockwave it never asks me if it's ok to load this or that moving thing once I have the plugin installed. Java also, it just displays that stupid running text in my browser without any questions.
What I'm trying to say is that there is a difference between legitimate security concerns and constant fear or the illusion of security. If there is fear then not using the computer on a public network is the best solution for sanity, the illusion of security is worse then no security at all.

The idea is to create a generic 'player' so that anyone who has installed
it, can playback any content with just a click of a button on a webpage.
Like I said, that can be done manually in the browser's preferences.


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Regards, Andu Novac
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