Shari a écrit :
> >  > Besides, no *serious* programmer has only one tool in his or her
> >>  kit because no one tool is a panacea.
> >>
> >
> >Yep, that's the *best* insurance!
> For those of you who know the "traditional" languages, the rest of us
> can only wish.  It took a year to decide whether to migrate to MC or
> take the plunge and learn C.  Learning a "traditional" language would
> easily set me back two years, and I don't know about you guys, but
> the two days a week I'm forced to work at a job I despise, while I'm
> working like hell to build my company, isn't something I want to have
> to do another two years to add a backup to the toolbox.  I'm hoping
> to have the option to go full time with my company in 2004, and blow
> those buggers off.  Being a * serious * programmer has nothing to do
> with it.  I work 7 days a week most weeks.  And am very determined.
> I envy those of you who are 35 and under, who at least had computer
> access as a teenager.  I am 40+++++.  In school, we had manual
> typewriters, not electronic, not electric, but MANUAL.  Computers
> were something that existed for IBM and the big companies.  Nobody I
> knew had one at home.  I never even saw one until I was in my late
> twenties/early thirties, and then it was a DOS computer at a store.
> Didn't impress me.  Looked like a glorified word processor, so I
> never bothered to dig deeper.  I got a very very late start at this,
> so time to me is a big issue.  That's why I get so tweaky at anything
> that sucks time away.  I don't know a traditional language, I taught
> myself via Hypercard to program.  C is gobbledygook to me.
> And my primary goal is Gypsy King Software.  It isn't a hobby.  It is
> my company.  My heart and soul :-)
> So beware what criteria you use to define a * serious programmer *.
> Shari C
> Gypsy King Software, Inc.
> --
> --Shareware Games for the Mac--
> _______________________________________________
> metacard mailing list

Hello Shari, List

I never seen before some one i could describe as a generic "serious
programmer" ;-)... I can just say that we have, there in France (but
perhaps is it different in the USA ;-]), diffrent kind of serious people
working in the software development :

Some ones are both Software designers + developpers (Enginers and
Self-learning computer sciences peoples),
Some ones are Software developpers (using only academic methods and
tools - Enginers and Self-learning computer sciences peoples),
Some ones are Security administrators (mostly Enginers peoples),
Some ones are Databases administrators (mostly Enginers peoples),
The most of them are, only, software administrators (even if they are
often thinking to be developpers, mostly Enginers or technikers

Don't worry about the ones that are saying that they are the "serious
ones". Just look at wwhat they are working on...

Building an app from ground is like writting a book. It's an hard work
and not only a technical task. Because some tools are only dedicated to
code academic things (Pascal, C, Java) and some other tools are best
builded to let us "think the design in the same time we are coding the
resulting apps (Xtalks, Omnis Studio, Rexx), there is, naturally, a
(stupid) conflict between the ones saying "a serious app can only be
written in using conservative methods (aka Pascal, C, C++,...) and the
ones that, alike me, are thinking that they have to improve the design
and coding methods and techniques we needs to let our clients get what
they need, where the first kind of "serious developpers" will have to
answer them : "your demand is unrealistic... You will only gets what it
is possible to do inside your budget. If you wants more, give us two or
tree more money...

Because Revolution/Metacard is, it's at least what i believe, the best
designing/developpement RAD tool available today, i think we are in the
right way in going head with them. "We are just walking a little before
the masses" and it's all.

I don't think that XTalks are going to be killed by the majors computers
companies in the next years. Teen years ago, Apple and Oracle tried to
do so, without succes. Why could they try this again with more chances
of succes, today ?

I just think we are lucky guys and girls to be XTalkers designers and
developpers and that the future is open. We just need to gohead in
developping great apps in the AI and internet spheres, including
professional-grade Web apps and ERP's.

It's not always confortable to have to thing, code and write great apps,
great books but, to the end, we are always lots more happy about the
results than the ones that are only coding hard without thinking what
they are working on !

Be happy, friend... We are building a little part of the near future.
Both the Kevin Miller team and Scott Raney needs to have a "well powered
developpers basis" and all what we can do to help them, they will help
us back in spending time to do RR/MC both best marketed and more
powerfull. It's good so and the some time i will spend to learn to adapt
my methods and apps to the RunRev 2.xx IDE is just the contribution i
need to do to let them be sure that there are developpers OK with the
strategic choice they did this week in contracting the acquisition of MC
by RR.
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
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