Shari wrote:

> Gosh, think of those of us whose license ran out.  At least you can
> *try* Rev for free, and make sure it really does run your projects
> just as MC does.  I would have pay just to find out.  Not a happy
> prospect.
> At least with MC, if I did a paid upgrade, I would know that I was
> getting what I have, only better.
> Now, a paid upgrade means, well getting something unproven and
> untried, for projects that are finally stable and productive.
> Scary.

Why?  A free version of both Rev and MC remains available.  Just download it
and give it a shot.

And as I understand it, getting a Rev license also give you access to the
raw MC engine, so you should be able to just keep using the MC IDE if you

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge 2.2: Publish any database on any site
 Tel: 323-225-3717                       AIM: FourthWorldInc

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