On 7/9/03 12:36 AM, Alex Shaw wrote:

both IDEs run off the same engine.  Your code will open right up in the
Rev IDE without change.  When you compile your programs, they will use

Just tried loading my mc home stack into rev2 ... didn't work :)

I didn't think I had to specify that you can't swap any of the IDE components. ;) But you can save custom Home scripts to a new stack, name it something other than "home", and put it into RR's plug-ins folder. Then set it to load when Rev launches so you get basically the same thing you are used to. That's what I do -- I load the same custom library stack into both programs. I make aliases to a single library stack and place the aliases in both the MC and RR plug-ins folders so that both programs can see the same stack. Updates to the library in one program are automatically reflected in the other the next time the app launches, or whenever I type "revert" into the message box.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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