On Sat, 2003-07-12 at 20:04, J. Landman Gay wrote:
> On 7/12/03 10:02 AM, Geoff Canyon wrote:
-- snip --
> For those who prefer MC's simplicity, I don't see any harm in continuing 
> to assure it is compatible with the most current Rev engine. People will 
> still have to purchase Revolution to get full access to long scripts, so 
> RR won't lose any money by allowing folks a choice of IDEs. They have 
> already said they won't support alternate IDEs, so it won't cost them 
> anything.

And i wants to add that, because, some RR/MC apps needs to be build to
run with no GUI at all (backgrounder or console-mode apps and demons),
we needs to have a lightweight UI available to code, debug and maintain
this kind of apps, for a best usage of the memory and the processor by
the hosting servers.
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

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