Not that I'm here to speak for RunRev or anything (and for all I know those
folks may know of a reason why this suggestion is a very bad idea); but if
you're interested in things like the database support, but find the
interface too rcih/in your face, have you tried the "Suspend Development
Tools" option under the "Development" menu?

Interesting, I missed this menu item. It's encouraging only because it proves Kevin can easily provide a *minimalist* authoring environment that MC users are accustomed to.

I'd have thought this might mean you get all the advantages of Rev in terms
of extended libraries - but effectively get rid of all their UI (except for
one tiny pallete with a "Restore" button on, which you minimise). I'd guess
you could then just open the MetaCard UI instead (but of course I could be

I think it was meant to hide the Rev tools while you tested your stack. It otherwise does not appear to do much in *suspended* mode.

Maybe that is the way forward for those who will want to continue to upgrade
to new engines etc, benefit from the additional libraries, but use their own
or the "classic" MetaCard UI. It might even be possible to formalise this
in a future version of Rev - eg have preferences to switch off the Rev UI at
startup, and to open some other UI at the same time. (Actually the latter
may hardly be needed; I have a little toolbar which supplements the Rev UI,
which is implemented as a Rev "plugin", and set to open at startup and glue
itself to the end of the Rev menubar. When the Rev UI is suspended, my bit
stays in place.)

Agreed. Seems trivial to make an MC IDE as a *plugin* which is built and supported by MC users and use the *Suspend* type feature to switch between the two. Seems easier to do this than to support two independent IDEs.

I'd be interested to hear from anyone who gives this a go.  Or RunRev's
opinions if in fact they think it's a Very Bad Idea.

Same here.

  Ben Rubinstein               |  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cognitive Applications Ltd   |  Phone: +44 (0)1273-821600        |  Fax  : +44 (0)1273-728866

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