2 things come to mind...

(Absolutely no offense intended to anyone, just MOHO)
(in hopes of more and better freer open software IDE)

1 - more features surely,
2 - more quality definitely

And that means speed improvements too.
Can the liberty of a program be called a quality?

Maybe this feature of economics will stop RR from continuing...
They are in they right of course! Im just hoping they consider
what the "market" reaction might be...

The more restrictions a programmer puts into a program,
the more maintenance will be required, which is time away from good features
the more hackers will hack it and break it
the Higher the price
the lesser demand
the less usefull applications will come out of it
the higher the price

High margins are nice but they keep more customers away.

In my IT Economics knowledge base it says
information has 4 economic variables
- Timeliness
- Certainty
- Frequency
- Value

as i see it, RR and MC...

MC is more timely - faster, keeps projects simple,
RR is deeper into using more of the many MC features "forgotten" in the MC
MC is more certain (because it's the core of RR too)
   Nowaday, it depends if the main engine being developped
   is RR or MC (later ported to the build of the other at
   the expense of time put on the primary engine...)
MC was more frequently available, now I bet it's RR's turn
RR is a good value in certainty (features, quality)

Im sure RR is much more polished than MC GUI wise but
it also imposes limits. Im learning Notes at work and I cant
tell you how HORRIBLE is it... But Notes has lots of power.

It's also more expensive... Im going to find out soon... ;)

My personal point of view is that we are battling over words
and features that dont even come in to play with products
from <name any IDE or IDE tool company>.

I applaud RR and am very jealous... ;) I love competition.
But I know that my IDE GUI is better IMOHO (I wish I had as
much time to put into it ;).

But for this reason I would rather keep MC.

Am I afraid of RR preventing me to develop this elsewhere?

I applaud them more though for making what MetaCard corp
could have done. Scott liked the shortcut, more power to
him! Im sure his arrangement isn't bad at all!

Im sure with a small investment Scott could have pulled a
winner app with just the same simple GUI. Scott's work is
also a jewel. It certainly needs lots of work but it's on
par with most other applications. I've seen some awesome
java and flash tools and as usual they are tops in quality.

What is however annoying is trying to translate programs
across these languages. Here there is a clear advantage to
c++, java and php. Im learning c++ porting some neural
networks and it's logic is awesome... new something...

And templates in MC are what those are! So with RR's plug-ins
and MC's many new features to come... It's only time and user
demand that lacks to build the many features needed to compare
MC to Flash, Java, Notes, etc...

I think MC or RR beat the crap out of java! but...
Where is java today compared to MC or RR?

More freedom in the demo IDE could build a new "market"...

You can still find more HC stacks than MC stacks in the net.

Got to go, got a new PHPNuke version to try...

Go WILD at http://monsieurX.com

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