On Thu, 2003-08-07 at 13:13, Klaus Major wrote:
> I still think the free StarterKit was the best thing ever.
> One could play with it, get used to the app and even build useful 
> things :-)
> ...and 30 (contiguous?) days may be not enough, even with no script 
> limits...

30 days is not enough for a significant market sector (students) to
decide they can build a business around creating Rev built products to
justify the licence fee.

> P.S.
> I confess i build a (not too) commercial CD-ROM with the starterkit
> and bought my first MC license with the salary for that :-)
> (Simple Image and video presentation, but what the egg...)

My guess is that it took you longer than 3 months to learn, build test
and release this product?

> Maybe that's what they are afraid of in scotland? ;-)

Easy - I'm half Scottish :)

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