Heh. Convinced my M.Sc. directors to let me do my Master's thesis on/in
<grins wildly>

Now an important question: I'm well positioned in this program to evangelize
MetaCard/Revolution. When I said "MetaCard" some of my fellow students and one
teacher recognized "Oh, must be hyperCard". How do I sell this? I usually refer
in posts to MC/RR since it is the same engine and, with the exception of
animation, they seem to have the same functionality.

I can't guarantee any sales out of this (I did get a license for Rev, and Mr.
Raney generously lets me use his Engine - published twice, and two pending
publications). However if my teachers get as curious as I like should I steer
them to Revolution (prettier interface)? The last thing I want is to make any

Anyway, one of my teachers already has an MC starter kit on his Mac... it's
just a matter of time...

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