PS Tell a Mac oldie - what exactly **are** resources in a Windows context,
and why should one run out? After all, Windows has had some kind of virtual storage since it emerged from the slime, AFAIK. What other resources are we
talking about?

I think this should help you understand Windows Resources and offer some ideas for tracking down the problem on ME.

This is a simplifeied explanation. (I don't think you really care to have details on GDI, Kernel, and User and the associated memory details that relate to the Resources discussion.)

What are Windows Resources?

Think in general about the term "resource".
From Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary--Resource- a source of supply or support: an available means

So, what do we have in Windows that are "available means" or "a source of support"?

Think "objects" that the OS uses. Probably all of the following, and more, are System Resources:
windows, icons, open files (including files that you saved, INI files, DLLs, etc. etc.)

The Windows OS keeps track of resources by assigning a unique identification number as they are "invoked" (opened, loaded, whatever). It so happens that there are only a finite number of resource identifiers available--this is the main source of the problem with running out of resources; you probably are actually running out of identifiers. The resources are loaded into memory. So, as you try to use more and more resources, you will hit either a limit on the number of identifiers, or the limit on available memory that is needed to load resources. Now a days, virtual memory on disk USUALLY, but not always, prevents running out of RAM from being the limitation.

When the use of a resource is completed, the memory it is using SHOULD be marked as free (released). Unfortunately, many programs do a poor job of releasing memory when finished with resources, so available resources go down. Sometimes a program gets in some type of a loop that requires loading some resource each pass through the loop, rapidly gobbling resource identifiers until they run out, usually resulting in either a system freeze or crash. This is where third-party programs often help by polling all of the RAM and releasing any that does not have an application using it anymore.

Windows also does some "smart" manuevers; some apps call for some Windows components to be loaded when the app loads. When the app closes, it trys to release the resources it used, but Windows expects that the Windows components that were loaded by the app will be needed again, so it DOES NOT release them!

I don't know if ME has the Resource Meter, but if yes, it can help identify where the resources are being allocated. I think with ME that you can run msconfig and get a list of running processes (that are using resources!) and the processes that auto start.

the meter shows the following three:
GDI Resources- relate to graphics related things like pictures and icons
System Resources- relate to open disk files
User Resources- relate to created windows

Check the resources immediately after boot up, then again as the REV app is launched and run. If the resources are <50% right after boot up WAY too many things are getting auto loaded at boot up. If the resources take a big hit either immediately after launching the REV app or while it runs, then there is some routine in the app that either is eating up resources as it runs, or simply requires more resources than are available.

Some other things that eat resources are "eye candy" like animated cursors and icons, and sound effects attached to objects.

Happy hunting

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