Eric Engle wrote:

> Heh. Convinced my M.Sc. directors to let me do my Master's thesis on/in
> MetaCard.
> <grins wildly>
> Now an important question: I'm well positioned in this program to evangelize
> MetaCard/Revolution. When I said "MetaCard" some of my fellow students and one
> teacher recognized "Oh, must be hyperCard". How do I sell this? I usually
> refer
> in posts to MC/RR since it is the same engine and, with the exception of
> animation, they seem to have the same functionality.

With one critical difference:  MetaCard no longer exists as a product.  The
only engine they can buy is from RunRev and comes with the Rev IDE, which is
a little less daunting to some than the more spartan MC IDE.

Today MC exists only as an alernate IDE for the handful of us ol' timers who
like what it does.  The other 95% of Transcript users are working with the
Rev IDE, and most serious work on additions is done as plug-ins compatible
with both IDEs.

So since they need to get the latest engine from RunRev anyway they might as
well learn the Rev IDE and avoid the hoop-jumping needed to run the current
engine with the MC IDE.

I was going to refer you to the press release detailing RunRev's acquisition
of the MetaCard engine but I can no longer find it.  Anyone know where it is
on the site?

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Tel: 323-225-3717                       AIM: FourthWorldInc

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