On 1/31/04 1:07 AM, Scott Rossi wrote:

on playLoop global gPlay if the shiftkey is down then -- stop loop put false into gPlay stop player 1 else put true into gPlay start player 1 goofyFix end if end playLoop

 on playStopped
   global gPlay
   if gPlay then playLoop
 end playStopped

 on goofyFix
   global gPlay
   if not gPlay then exit goofyFix
   set rect of this stack to rect of this stack
   send "goofyFix" to me in 100 milliseconds
 end goofyFix

The strange thing is, even though the script seems to work, the playStopped
handler won't return the name of the stopping player, which almost leads me
to believe whatever mechanism is handling the player messages is leaving out
that information somewhere.

Anyway, hope this is useful for folks in the interim.

Wow. The goofiness of the fix almost makes it worth having the bug in the first place. :)

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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