On 12/20/03 6:15 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

Brian's suggested method works (bravo!) It is simple and I'm
embarrassed I didn't think of it myself, though I claim frustration and
lost time as an excuse. Here's what I did:

  put the duration of player 1 into theDur
  put (theDur/the timeScale of player 1) into theSecs
  start player 1
  send "movieStop" to me in theSecs seconds

And then there is a "movieStop" handler like this:

on movieStop
playNextSegment -- includes the above script bit
end movieStop

So I'm back in business. I've bug reported the problem though.

Hi Jacqueline:

Just curious if you ever found a reliable time/loop workaround for audio
playback.  I just tried building an MC 2.5 standalone on OSX using the
following overkill tracking script and it seems to loop the player (4 second
AIFF file) relatively seamlessly.

[button script]

on mouseUp
  if the paused of player 1 then
    set the uAllowTrack of me to true
    set the looping of player 1 to true
    start player 1
    set the uAllowTrack of me to false
    stop player 1
    set the currentTime of player 1 to 0
  end if
end mouseUp

on trackTime
  if not the uAllowTrack of me then exit trackTime
  if the currentTime of player 1  = the duration of player 1 then \
    start player 1
  send "trackTime" to me in 10 milliseconds
end trackTime

Curious to know what you've found.

I ended up with something almost identical to what you did above. In the standalone I was working on, I didn't actually need looping, though I used that in my posts to show the bug. I really did want a short pause between each movie. Still, the solution was very similar to what you're doing. I had to send a repeated message every few milliseconds to check whether the movie was playing or not. If not, I loaded the next movie. If so, I just kept checking until it did stop.

I don't see any way around this until they fix "playstopped".
Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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