Anyone have ideas on how to speed up MC's script colorizing?

Here's the handler from the card script of the Script Editor stack:

on colorizescript
  if tokencolors["if"] is empty then setupcolors
  local s
  put field "Editor Field" into s
  put s into field "Editor Field"
  go to card 2
  local curword
  put 1 into curword
  repeat for each word w in s
    if tokencolors[w] is not empty
then set the textColor of word curword of field "Editor Field" of card 1 to tokencolors[w]
    add 1 to curword
  end repeat
  local oldline, cline, curline, nwords
  put min(lineoffset("#", s), lineoffset("--", s)) into oldline
  put 0 into cline
  repeat while oldline is not 0
    add oldline to cline
    put line cline of s into curline
    put the number of words in curline into nwords
    repeat with curword = 1 to nwords
if char 1 of word curword of curline is "#" or char 1 to 2 of word curword of curline is "--" then set the textColor of word curword to nwords of line cline of field "Editor Field" of card 1 to "DarkOrchid4"
        exit repeat
      end if
    end repeat
put min(lineoffset("#", s, cline), lineoffset("--", s, cline)) into oldline
  end repeat
  go to card 1
  unlock screen
end colorizescript

On short scripts it's fine, but run it on lengthy ones like libURL and it takes some time.

Any suggestions welcome...

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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