On 26 Apr 2006, at 08:06, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Geoff Canyon wrote:
On Apr 25, 2006, at 4:00 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
Anyone have ideas on how to speed up MC's script colorizing?
Funny you should ask. I did this once as a thought experiment, with an eye to never storing the colorized version of the script but generating it on the fly. I changed the script to get the text of the script into a variable, then build the HTMLtext necessary, then set the HTMLtext of the field. The code is about 100 times as fast as the existing code -- it does the libURL script in about half a second on my PowerBook. I can send the stack if you like -- it's thought experiment quality i.e. no documentation and not guaranteed.

Please do. If I can work that into the MC IDE I'll not only add you to the credit list, but I'll buy you a beer as well (one of the benefits of local collaboration <g>).

In a bid to steal Geoff's beer, I took a look at using the htmlText to do this. It's certainly much faster. (A first attempt below.)

But it raised a couple of issues.

-- The "<" and ">" operators need to be converted to "&lt;" and "&gt;" for the htmlText. But it seems that quotes and "&" can be left as they are. But should those be converted anyway in case future engine changes enforce a stricter html encoding? A similar issue with multiple spaces, which the engine seems to preserve, but normal html rendering reduces to a single space. There may be other html-type things I've overlooked.

-- I was wondering if more tokens could be colorized. It seems possible to add prepositions to the list, but constants (as returned by the constantNames) seem trickier as some of those overlap with commands. (e.g. return). I gave up on this.

Below is the script I have now. It preserves the original spaces. It manages libUrl in about 500ms compared to 20 seconds for the original. I'm not sure if " [ " is a safe string to temporarily replace spaces with.

on colorizescript_2
  if tokencolors["if"] is empty then setupcolors
  local s
  put field "Editor Field" into s

  if char -1 of s = return then put true into tAddReturn

  repeat for each line tEachLine in s
    put empty into tNL
    put tEachLine into tLine
    if "<" is in tLine then replace "<" with "&lt;" in tLine
    if ">" is in tLine then replace ">" with "&gt;" in tLine

    put offset("#",tLine) into tOff1
    put offset("--",tLine) into tOff2

    if tOff1 > 0 or tOff2 > 0 then
      if tOff1 = 0 then
        put tOff2 into tOff1
      else if tOff2 = 0 then
        put tOff1 into tOff2
      end if
      put char min(tOff1,tOff2) to -1 of tLine into tComment
      delete char min(tOff1,tOff2) to -1 of tLine
      put empty into tComment
    end if

    replace space with " [ " in tLine
    repeat for each word w in tLine
      if w = "[" then
        put " [ " after tNL
        next repeat
      end if

      if tokencolors[w] is not empty then
        put "<font color=" & tokencolors[w] & ">"after tNL
        put w after tNL
        put "</font>" after tNL
        put w after tNL
      end if
    end repeat
    replace " [ " with space in tNL
    if tComment <> empty then
      put "<font color=DarkOrchid4>" & tComment & "</font>" after tNL
    end if

    put "<p>" & tNL & "</p>" after tNS
  end repeat
  if tAddReturn then put "<p></p>" after tNS
  set the htmlText of field "Editor Field" to tNS

end colorizescript_2

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