On Mon, 27 Nov 2006, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Did we ever figure out how RunRev's revGeneral was able to alter the default image compression method when its script contains only handlers that must be explicitly called?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation

What kind of image compression are you asking about?

The default of the "JPEGQuality" seems to be set by the engine, at least there is no mentioning of JPEGQuality in stack "revlibrary".

The "paintcompression" default set by the engine is RLE, which is then overruled by the Rev IDE from stack "revlibrary" in folder "toolset" in the script of group "revlibraries" and its handler "revLoadLibraries":

"on revLoadLibraries
global gRevSmallAppIcon,gRevAppIcon
local tBtn,tLine
set the paintCompression to "png" -- match the engine

This handler is also added to each standalone.

(see my post from Thu, 02 Nov 2006 to this list).

Other kinds of compression pertaining to images are not mentioned in the docs.


Wilhelm Sanke

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