Thank you, Alain. I only wish I had the nerve to take the credit...  
Unfortunately I cannot. For those of us living in the UK where 'Happy  
school nativity plays or anything celebrating our own culture that  is seen to 
at the expense of minority groups, is subject to a fear of moral  
condemnation at best and potential legal action at worst, this may be the  
writing on the 
wall. Most cards I have received this year no longer say Happy  Christmas but 
Seasons Greetings or similar amophous sentiments. This pandering  to supposed 
sensitivities (which are vehemently disclaimed by the leaders of  those for 
whom it it intended, in fact) saddens me. No, actually it angers me.  A lot.

<end rant>


Dear Hugh,

> Dear friends,

A curious beginning  for what follows!  ;-)

> Just to clarify my earlier response to  'Solstice
> Salutations', please accept with no obligation,  
>  implied or implicit, my best wishes for an 
> environmentally conscious,  socially  responsible,
> low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral  
> celebration of the winter  solstice holiday,
> practised  within the most enjoyable traditions
> of the religious persuasion of your  choice, or 
> secular practices of your choice, with respect
> for  the religious/secular persuasions and/or 
> traditions of others, or their  choice not to
> practise religious or secular traditions at all...
>  and a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling,
> and medically  uncomplicated  recognition of the
> onset of the generally accepted  calendar year 2007,
> and  without regard to the race, creed,  colour,
> age, physical ability, religious faith, or sexual
>  orientation of the wishee.

This is about as politically-correct as one  could ever
hope to be. Do you mind if I use it in my own  season's
greetings? Do you require users to give credit to the
author  (you)? Are you using Creative Commons licence?


> This wish  is limited to the customary and usual
> good tidings for a period of one  year, or until
> the issuance  of a subsequent holiday greeting,  
> whichever comes first. "Holiday" is not intended
> to, nor shall  it be considered, limited to the
> usual Judeo-Christian celebrations or  observances,
> or to such activities of any organised or ad hoc   
> religious community, group, individual or belief
> (or lack  thereof).

It is the FIRST time that I have ever seen a greeting
that  is so rock-solidly protected against any lawsuit
whatsoever!   ;-))

> Best wishes 
> Hugh

And to you, Hugh. I've got a  huge grin on my face, and
I chuckled as I read your post. Thanks for the  laughs!


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