One of the biggest companies fanning the flames of this "battle" has been Fox News, who made a catchy slogan out of "War On Christmas" and has devoted a lot of airtime to rallying anger around that, but whose web site ironically offers "holiday ornaments" and not "Christmas ornaments".

This is funny! Are there any other widespread uses for ornaments, besides putting them on the Christmas Tree? So now, will Christmas Trees be renamed to Holiday Trees?

What of Santa Claus? He's more politically uncorrect than any other part of Christmas:

Note: I love Christmas. It's the time of year that I can thank my husband for being such an incredibly wonderful man. Our tree is always full of presents for him, things I know he wants but probably wouldn't ever buy for himself. My favorite part of Christmas is buying presents for him, and watching him open them :-D This brings me great joy. Because he so deserves to feel special, and cherished, and thought of. And yes, he gets lots of footrubs all throughout the year. But Christmas, no footrubs, just lots of presents :-D

And THAT, I know, is totally politically incorrect! Women aren't supposed to give men footrubs any more... I know I read that somewhere....

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