
Thanks for the functions! I'll send you some if I go this route and write any of my own. I just can't believe that the RevBrowser external doesn't allow for the rending of a local html doc passed through.

Ray Horsley
LinkIt! Sofware

On Feb 10, 2009, at 4:40 AM, David Bovill wrote:

2009/2/10 Ray Horsley <r...@linkit.com>
Thanks Brian but I'm afraid including the <body> tags doesn't render anything either. I've also tried including a document declaration as in the example below but I'm still getting nothing rendered. (That's the trouble when working with externals. You can't open them up to see what's going on.)

Any other ideas are welcome.

Hi Ray - did a bit of work on this recently. AFAIK the only way is to process the raw html, and create your own htmltext. Here are the handlers I've got so far:

--> HTML | Span
/* Strip span tags
These functions replace html span tags such as those found in basic html / jabber / im html with tags for rev htmltext

function html_BasicToRev someHtml
    put html_BoldSpanToRev(someHtml) into someHtml
    put html_ColourSpanToRev(someHtml) into someHtml
    return someHtml
end html_BasicToRev

function html_RevToBasic someHtmlText
    put html_RevToColourSpan(someHtmlText) into someHtml
    return html_RevToBoldSpan(someHtml)
end html_RevToBasic

function html_RevToColourSpan someHtml
    replace quote with "'" in someHtml
    put "(?miU)(<font color=').*(</font>)" into someReg
if matchchunk(someHtml, someReg, oTagStart, oTagEnd, cTagStart, cTagEnd) is true then
            put "</span>" into char cTagStart to cTagEnd of someHtml
put "<span style='color:" into char oTagStart to oTagEnd of someHtml
            replace quote with "'" in someHtml
            return someHtml
        end if
    end repeat
end html_RevToColourSpan

function html_RevToBoldSpan someHtml
    put "(?miU)(<b>).*(</b>)" into someReg
    -- put "(?mi)(<b>)[^\<]*(</b>)" into someReg
if matchchunk(someHtml, someReg, oTagStart, oTagEnd, cTagStart, cTagEnd) is true then
            put "</span>" into char cTagStart to cTagEnd of someHtml
put "<span style='font-weight:bold'>" into char oTagStart to oTagEnd of someHtml
            return someHtml
        end if
    end repeat
end html_RevToBoldSpan

function html_ColourSpanToRev someHtml
    -- U is for non-greedy
    replace quote with "'" in someHtml
    put "(?miU)(<span style='color:).*(</span>)" into someReg
    -- put "(?mi)(<span style='color:)[^\<]*(</span>)" into someReg
if matchchunk(someHtml, someReg, oTagStart, oTagEnd, cTagStart, cTagEnd) is true then
            put "</font>" into char cTagStart to cTagEnd of someHtml
put "<font color='" into char oTagStart to oTagEnd of someHtml
            replace "'" with quote in someHtml
            return someHtml
        end if
    end repeat
end html_ColourSpanToRev

function html_BoldSpanToRev someHtml
put "(?miU)(<span style='font-weight:bold'>).*(</span>)" into someReg -- put "(?mi)(<span style='font-weight:bold'>)[^\<]*(</span>)" into someReg
if matchchunk(someHtml, someReg, oTagStart, oTagEnd, cTagStart, cTagEnd) is true then
            put "</b>" into char cTagStart to cTagEnd of someHtml
            put "<b>" into char oTagStart to oTagEnd of someHtml
            return someHtml
        end if
    end repeat
end html_BoldSpanToRev

If you improve them do post back. I'm interested in getting robust two way html "<span>" to rev htmltext based style sheets working :)

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