Sonny,  No, that is not it.   I remember that one now and I have not
done anything with it.  Not sure at the moment if I have it or Dr.
Garvie has it. If you look at the bulletin, the picture is there.


On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 7:30 PM,  <> wrote:
> Hi Jim and List,
> I will try to find the picture that you sent from the Franconia area. If I
> remember right, the meteorite was approximately 5-7 grams that basically
> looked like a small chondritic meteorite with a metal bleb (as seen in many
> of the early Franconia meteorites).
> Since there has been so much talk about the various meteorite
> classifications that have come out of this Franconia/Yucca DCA I wonder if
> anyone has taken the time to compare
> the large metal blebs that are found in a lot of the early Franconia area
> meteorites to the H metal meteorite that Jim found (Yucca 015). A lot of the
> larger meteorites found on the North and South side several years ago
> displayed these features. I am sure some folks out there have slices off of
> some of the larger stones that display the large metal blebs/flakes. It
> would be interesting to see how the metal blebs compare to the H metal
> meteorites from the same area.
> I also read about the terrestrial age dating on the meteorites from the DCA.
> What is the margin of error plus or minus on the terrestrial dating? I know
> there are various classifications
> of meteorites from this DCA I just wonder if Yucca 015 (just using this as
> an example) could have fallen as one of the early Franconia meteorites with
> the metal blebs but separated during the explosion over the strewnfield.
> Sonny
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Wooddell <>
> To: Meteorite List <>
> Sent: Wed, May 1, 2013 6:37 pm
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Franconia AREA (was, Re: ...terminology...)
> Sonny, this is YUCCA 015.  I cant remember which picture I sentyou...been
> too long ago. Wed,
> May 1, 2013 at 5:45 PM,  <> wrote:> Hi Jim,>> What was the
> weight of your new H-metal meteorite from the Franconia DCA?> Was this the
> meteorite that you sent me a picture of or a new one?>> Thanks,> Sonny>
>>>>> -----Original Message-----> From: Jim Wooddell
> <>> To: Michael Mulgrew <>;
> Meteorite List> <>> Sent: Wed, May 1,
> 2013 2:54 pm> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Franconia AREA (was, Re:
> ...terminology...)>>> Michael,There is a lot that has not been learned from
> the Franconia> area.More information will be known in the future despite an
> award winning> comment from a member of the Drama Queen Dream Team that
> hunting in and> classifying 'crap' in DCA's is a waste, yet a new H-metal
> out of it....some> more pending...4 mile extension of the collection
> of that> is a contribution...not to mention the work which
> was paid for INAA Testing,> EMPA, thin sectioning, grad student work...yea
> nothing contributed to> science! Certainly a discredit to everyone that made
> the effort at getting> anything anywhere classified.  To those hunters my
> hat is off, with respect.> Its too bad the original DCAs in the area were
> made the way the were.  The> new DCA makes way more sense for the time
> being.JimJim Wooddell -> MobileMichael Mulgrew <>
> wrote:>List,>>One more question> regarding the latest Franconia paper, M.
> Hutson et>al., 2013, regarding the> sample sized used in that study vs.
> their>concluded number of falls for the> area: They only looked at 14
> rocks,>concluding that 7 were separate falls.> If they looked at 50
> rocks,>would they have found 25 falls?  Why did they> select only 14
> rocks,>was it a matter of how much research they could fund?> I'd hope
> the>samples were not selected specifically for their appearance, as>
> they>stated in the paper that visual pairing based on the exterior of>
> the>stones was completely misleading.>>They incorrectly reported that the
> 14> stones in their study make up>3.7% of the total finds for the area, 380.
> We> all know this number is>much higher, by a factor of 20 or more
> probably.> For example, I know of>one hunter who made more than 600 finds in
> a single> year.   A similar>disconnect exists with their statement regarding
> the %> representation of>total mass of all finds.  I'm not sure how they can
> come> to such a>definitive fall count with such a miniscule sampling of
> finds from> the>area.>>Ok, two questions: Does anyone know why the irons
> (H-metal) from> the>area were ignored in this study?  Surely they are
> directly related> to>these chondritic falls, and as Yucca>
> 015>( shows us,>there>
> are multiple unique H-metals out there as well.>>Back to winning the
> lottery> to get all this sorted out!>Michael in so.>
> Cal.>______________________________________________>>Visit the Archives at>
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