A couple of items about Mike Farmer's journey:
1. All "meteorites are deemed owned by the Geological Survey of India, without compensation." Adam Hupe tells me that he didn't visit India for a recovery effort because he couldn't obtain a permit. It is Mike's responsibility to be aware of local law. Mike is apparently about to leave India with a 14 gram fragment obtained without a permit.
If the members of this list endorse this legally questionable action, I want to state that I do not.
2. Mike wrote that "liberal, if not quite true use of the word "University"" allowed him access to the recovered fragments.
Shades of Ron Farrell (Bethany Science) a "Yale Professor" when "necessary." 
Meteorite recovery where "the ends justify the means" shines a very dim light on the hobby at an already very dark time.
What would Harvey do?
Kevin Kichinka

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