Give me a break Kevin! that is the most pathetic thing
I have ever heard. when aked why I was here, what
authorization I had for seing the stones, I merely
replied UNIVERSITY. It may not be true, but give me a
friggin break! What Ferril did was claim to be a
professor to get a stone released from Egypt
collection, not quite in my leaugue. 
Second, show me where India requires release. 
Third the people here are dieing, wiped out by floods,
the Indian government could give a rat's ass about
them, they demand the stones, with no compensation, I
am offering several years salery for a piece. so your
attemps to portray me as a criminal be damned. 
By the way, if you own a Sikhote-alin, then you are a
theif! Russia does not also allow them to leave, but
by god there ate tens of thousands of them for sale. 

Keven, if you live in a glass house, please do not
throw stones, I have heard about your carnal actions
in South America with young women there, I dont
condone that either, and I doubt many on this list
would. so please remember, do not commit crimes while
condeming me of stealing a 13 gram fragment of rock. 

Mike Farmer
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> A couple of items about Mike Farmer's journey:
> 1. All "meteorites are deemed owned by the
> Geological Survey of India, 
> without compensation." Adam Hupe tells me that he
> didn't visit India for a recovery 
> effort because he couldn't obtain a permit. It is
> Mike's responsibility to be 
> aware of local law. Mike is apparently about to
> leave India with a 14 gram 
> fragment obtained without a permit.
> If the members of this list endorse this legally
> questionable action, I want 
> to state that I do not.
> 2. Mike wrote that "liberal, if not quite true use
> of the word "University"" 
> allowed him access to the recovered fragments.
> Shades of Ron Farrell (Bethany Science) a "Yale
> Professor" when "necessary." 
> Meteorite recovery where "the ends justify the
> means" shines a very dim light 
> on the hobby at an already very dark time.
> What would Harvey do?
> Kevin Kichinka

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