Dear Matt;
If you could only go back through years of list posts (since you ARE new here), you would see that our wonderful friend, Matteo (now in transparent sheep's clothing) has been stepped on, and all of the list members for years have been bent on stamping out his struck fairies and fantasies. The members diddly doo him so he becomes not unlike a monkey on a string. Maybe some medical doctor could prescribe some tetraethanolcanibinal for Matte so he could be above the tickled fancy of the conspiracy to commit sanity on the insane. Either that , or take away his LSD. The struck fairies is the one that did it for me.

magellon wrote:

How strange that your word phrasing and attitude
is so much like Matteo Chinellato.
In a previous email, you , like Matteo, are quick
to point out material that may take business from Matteo's
perceived enemy (M.Farmer)
Coincidentally you show up on the LIST just AFTER
Matteo was banned.
You even end your message with "Regards" as Matteo
always did! I'll bet you are also from Italy?
(Yes, just checked your header - you are from Italy)

Do you know Matteo?
Is he honest or does he try to deceive others?

Matteo has continued to take the easy, but completely
wrong path. He should not think his wrong choices
will not continue to plague him, they will. The sad thing is that
no one was hoping or wishing Matteo evil or bad results.
He has no one but himself to blame.

Ken Newton

Matt River wrote:


If its confirmed I never buy any other NWA meteorite in my life, I no want
my money give for buy meteorites go for after buy army.


>Subject: [meteorite-list] NWA meteorites - money for terrorism?
>Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2004 13:35:17 EST
> NWA meteorites - money for terrorism?
>1 - NWA meteorites are undocumented stones "bought" in Morocco.
>2 - There is no potential prospecting field in Morocco to supply this
>3 - More than 95% of the NWA meteorites come from Algeria, Libya and up to
>4 - The border between Morocco and Algeria has officially been closed since
>1994. Islamic army groups cross the border.
> NWA meteorites = contraband meteorites
>Some serious facts:
>- 2 of the 11 international terrorist organizations which have been target
>the Bush government since September 11th live in Algeria:
> - GIA (Armed Islamic Group)
> - GSPC (Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat)
>- 30 Europeen hostages have been rescued from Islamic groups by a military
>attack between the Acfer and the Tanezrouf meteorite strewnfields in 2003.
>- Well organized smuggling rings act through the militarized no man's land
>between the two countries.
>- NWA meteorite contraband is still financed by private investors who
>to stay "anonymous".
>- The track of the millions of dollars involved in this traffic is lost on
>the Algerian border.
>More info :
>Richard & Roland Pelisson

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