Dear Dean;
My breathing stopped for a moment there. This is the best post in months. Give'm hell! It is well deserved.
Very Best,
Dave Freeman

dean bessey wrote:

You know, I have seen some pretty low and dirty shots
on this list over the past few years but this is about
the worst form of self promoting and "My meteorites
are better than your meteorites" that I have ever
For new list members the pellisons have been several
years trying to get people to pay outragous prices for
their meteorites and try and convince people that they
are the only legitimate dealers in the Sahara. Just
desperately trying to find a way to convince people to
overpay for their meteorites. I guess that since you
came up with this ludicrous idea that poor business
must have recently taken a turn for the worse.
But use just a half retarded minimal grade four
intelligence and think about what a potential
terrorist would think if he actually did decide to
raise money in eastern morocco. Would you choose
meteorites where there is a close knit group of people
worlwide wide and a lot of effort would be required to
liquidate the stuff or choose fossils with a thousand
times larger market and easier time to liquidate the goods (As well as get
supply). There is certainly easier ways to raise
millions of dollars than by trading in meteorites.
But just look at where the money is going. A very
large part of the proceeds of meteorites goes directly
into the local economy. You can see where the money is
going. Locals buy cars, build houses and such. One of
the nomads that i work with is sending a grandaughter
to a good school (Even though he cant read himself -
he gets his grandaughter to count money for him
because he cant do so himself as he never spent a day
in school in his life). You would be hard pressed to
go anywhere in the world and see a probuct so
bennefiting the local population as what meteorites do
to the finders and local population in the Sahara.
Compare that to when the pellisons go search for
meteorites by themselves in the desert, bypassing the
local population, illegally exporting their meteorites
from the sahara (Unlike the NWA sellers you dont see
export permits on the pellison meteorites) and the
only locals who benefit from pellison meteorites are
bribes to local government officials and the state
sponcered oil ompany (Assuming they dont bring their
own fuel).
There is a reason why meteorite dealers like myself,
Erich Haiderer, farmer, Labbennes, Cottingham, Strope,
Ivan and others are selling tens of thousnads of
dollars worth of desert meteorites and the pellisons
are stuck crying in their cheap imported wine
complaining like a bunch of cranky old ladies unable
to sell anything.
Thats because these other dealers are supplying a good
product at a reasonably price and give consumers a
fair value for their dollar while the pellisons have
spent the last few years somehow trying to convince
consumers that going in and raping the land dry
without leaving anything behind for the local
population except police bribes that people should
somehow pay 3 to 10 times for for similar rocks that
they are selling.
Maybe you can explain to everybody why it is not
appropriate to hire locals to find meteorites (Or
trilobites) for the world market like what goes on
with NWA meetorites?
Many of the NWA sellers unfortunately dont act in an
adult manner on a rare occasion but it is mostly
friendly competation and while I buy tons of NWA
meteorites and might be able to make more money if I
was the only buyer I am not a communist and see no
reason why other dealers shouldent be dealing in
desert meteorites either. I cant keep up with sales
myself and couldent supply the entire (And rapidly
expanding) world meteorite market if I was the only
dealer anyway.
When there is free competation pretty much everybody
(Except the pellisons) are reasonably happy and can
carry on a business that is legal and supportive of
the local economy. But lets discuss the pellison meteorites now. I notice
some DAGs on your website. Can you supply us with
government documentation proving that those were
properly exported from Libya? Of course you cant.
Every NWA dealer could supply you with a legal
Moroccan export permit though (That would make it
extremily difficult for a government to come in the
future and claim ownership of the rocks that you buy
from them). Maybe you could explain to us all exactly
what you did so that the Libyan government is allowing
you to export meteorites from the country?. I note
that Libya is on the United States and French list of
terrorist sponcering nations. I wonder if you had to
make some "Contribution" to the Ben Ladin cause in
order to be allowed to hunt with impunity in Libya.
You have been to terrorist sponcering Libya on a
bunch of occasions. What were you doing in a terrorist
sponcering country anyway? And what did you do to be
able to export meteorites without getting arrested.
One must seriously wonder how somebody who dont think
twice about flaunting laws of the country that they
are in operates and exactly what type of organizations
they would be willing to support in order to reach
their goals? So tell us how you get meteorites out of
libya and which people who are part of the local
population (Or in Afghanistan) benefits from your
meteorite activities. We would love to know I am sure.
Inquiring minds (Not to mention your potential
customers) would like to know exactly what it is that
you are up to in a terrorist sponcering nation (That
americans are not even allowed to visit).
Lets meet up in Tucson next week so that I can buy you
some top of the line award winning Canadian wine so
that you wont have to continue your enjoyment of the
cheap imported camel piss that you can afford now.
And next time you go to the desert wear a hat? To much
sun is obviously getting to you.
Dont think that I am trying to kick the pellisons out
of the desert. I am not a communist and I believe that
all my competators - including the pellisons, has just
as much right to hunt in the desert and sell
meteorites that I do. This is the stupidest most
moronic thing that I have ever herd.

--- Michael Farmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It is lunacy, they are jerks who think that they
only should be in the desert. What a crock of BS. Go back to France and take your attitude with you
Pellisons. Meteorites funding terrorists, get real! They are
building homes with them, the Pellisons are just mad
that someone else gets some money from the
meteorites other than them. Mike Farmer
----- Original Message ----- From: Stefan Ralew To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ;
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2004 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NWA meteorites -
money for terrorism?

Hello Richard & Robert Pellison and List,

beautiful concpiracy theory! But where are the
real facts? Thousands of deserts nomads in the
service of Al Qaida? I`m sorry, but this story ist
nonsense for me. It is fact that many nomads trade
her meteorites for food and other goods at markets
in Morocco. The Moroccan mineral dealers make the
real money. I know many of this mineral dealers
personally and these aren't terrorists!

 It is the same propaganda which is already used
against NWA meteorites.

 Best regards,
 I.M.C.A. Member#3368

NWA meteorites - money for terrorism?

1 - NWA meteorites are undocumented stones
"bought" in Morocco. 2 - There is no potential prospecting field in
Morocco to supply this market. 3 - More than 95% of the NWA meteorites come from
Algeria, Libya and up to Egypt. 4 - The border between Morocco and Algeria has
officially been closed since 1994. Islamic army
groups cross the border.
NWA meteorites =
contraband meteorites

Some serious facts:
- 2 of the 11 international terrorist
organizations which have been target of the Bush
government since September 11th live in Algeria:
- GIA (Armed Islamic Group)
- GSPC (Salafist Group for Preaching and
Combat) - 30 Europeen hostages have been rescued from
Islamic groups by a military attack between the
Acfer and the Tanezrouf meteorite strewnfields in
2003. - Well organized smuggling rings act through the
militarized no man's land between the two countries.

- NWA meteorite contraband is still financed by
private investors who prefer to stay "anonymous". - The track of the millions of dollars involved in
this traffic is lost on the Algerian border.

More info :

Richard & Roland Pelisson

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