Janet's complete response:  "It would not matter where the cartoon were to be set, LA or Park Forest... having African-Americans depicted in such a manner is racist.  Such thefts did not occur in Park Forest and I resent the implication that they did.  Not all humor is based on  deprication of certain groups.  By the way, if anyone in Park Forest hunts, other than for meteorites, it would have to be outside the Village.  No, I really don't care to engage in a continuing conversation on this subject nor to give it more attention that it is due.  Janet Muchnik"
Hello again Janet and list,
"It would not matter where the cartoon were to be set, LA or Park Forest... having African-Americans depicted in such a manner is racist."
If you would do me the justice of not referencing to images not on the comic this would be easier, please look at the comic again, there are no plural African-Americans.  AND it also has a Caucasian person holding the gun.  So in my opinion, if a person wanted to get analytical the Caucasian is the person doing the more wrong, and in Kansas he is breaking three laws in his auction while the other person is breaking only one law...I do not know your state or city laws so it might be different there.  It easier to scream racism and African-American, but perhaps you would get more support by declaring me a human hater in general.
If a person sees racist in the comic then perhaps he or she should look inward.  An example of what I mean here is that statistics prove that most people who cheap on their spouses, believe their spouse is cheating.  Personally, I think the person picking the hunters pocket could be from a number of places, such as Jamaica, Mali or Kenya.  Race was never discussed during the drafting of the comic and only one eyed critics like yourself have added notations to race...not counting my replies to these e-mails of course.
"Not all humor is based on  deprication (sic) of certain groups."
If you mean the deprivation of certain groups, I would completely agree, and if you read the reference I sent you, on the philosophy of comics, it would agree with you also.  I might note that most philosophers think that comics by nature, is a degrading art form.  Either of the subjects shown or the author of the comic.  Basically, in a comic you are making fun of yourself or something.  Early philosophers thought comics only made fun of the author.  If this subject interest you further, I can look up reference relating to this...it is likely the most debated subject historically in the philosophy of comics.  That of who is being degrading, the subject, the artist or the viewer. 
"By the way, if anyone in Park Forest hunts, other than for meteorites, it would have to be outside the Village."
Note to Meteorite Central list:  No hunting meteorites inside the Village. 
We will not ask what people might be hunting for inside the Village.
"No, I really don't care to engage in a continuing conversation on this subject nor to give it more attention that it is due."
Fair enough, I have offered you a free forum, which is MUCH more then I need to do.  Unless you have some new thoughts to this I will consider this manner closed.
So with that I will end with the following, in your last e-mail to me your wrote:
"The people who collected meteorites were able to sell them to dealers, if they so desired, or to a consortium of museums."
Perhaps you might explain to us why Farmer had to give back a good share of a  meteorite, he paid $1000's for, for free in other to avoid a lawsuit.  In case this slips your memory, here is the quote your gave to the newspaper.
"I've got a contract with them for the other one, and I would imagine this one will just go into the same contract," she said. "It's a much smaller piece, but it's a very dramatic piece because half is white and half is black."
Mark Bostick

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