John, List,
All due respect and nothing personal here but.
I'm quite sure you know that the $20.00 annual membership fee  is not a 
deterrent for anybody to Join the IMCA. 
But the truth is that there are many reasons one has to contemplate when 
joining any organized organization.
To me the first considerations are need and desire to join. 
Do the pluses outweigh the minuses?
Do you want that organization to have a say in the running of your business?
Do you want a competing dealer (IMCA board member) to have a say in the running 
of your business or 
do you feel that that would  be a conflict of interest on their part?
Do you want to have freedom of speech or would you rather have to keep quite 
about organizations inadequacies?
Do you want to have to agree with all of the folks running the org at all 
times? Or face possible harassment and or abuse by them.
Because it's possible that nobody would ever dare to say anything they 
disagreed with for fear of being ejected or black balled? 
As Al correctly pointed out there are many reputable dealers who have chosen  
NOT to join for there own reasons.
I think the word AD needs to be in the subject box if you are pushing 
memberships here? HaHa. 
In all seriousness. This is a relatively small community.
You misstep as a dealer and you are pretty much toast in this biz. Add to that  
eBay and PayPal's own protection policies and you really don't have much to 
worry about.
I personally offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee . Period. If for any reason 
you are not 100% satisfied with anything I sell 
you may return it for a full refund. Most dealers I know have the same policy 
so no worries.
I collect so, I have material for comparison with other material. Pictures 
don't always cut it. I need to see and feel it in person. 
I am lucky to have been able to see and touch thousands of meteorites in my 21 
years as a looker at every Tucson show since 1989. 
And I must say. There are tons of great people in this Field. 
My 2 cents.

Carl or Debbie Esparza

---- "John.L.Cabassi" <> wrote: 
> G'Day Anne, Al and List,
> Well said Anne. And Al, I'll stand behind Anne for recommendation. In
> fact, I'll up the ante and pay your $20
> Cheers
> John
> IMCA #2125
> P.S. I almost forgot, Tom Phillips is celebrating a birthday. One hell
> of a guy. I forgot what it was like when I was 30. 
> Al!!  You are more than welcome to come back in the Association, and I
> am 
> sure members would line up to recommend you! I'll be at the head of the
> line.
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