Hello Barry,

I usually won't even respond to that kind of unqualified "IMCA bashing"
emails, but since you seem to be new to meteorites and the meteorite
community I'd like to say a few words, just for the records & in public:

You actually applied for IMCA membership less than a few weeks ago, but when
I told you that your recommending members would have to write us a short
recommendation letter you backed out and told me that you weren't aware that
recommendation letters were required - even though this is clearly stated on
our "Join" page and repeated in the confirmation email sent out by our
system. I didn't hold this against you, and I still don't. I even helped you
with the identification of the "lunar meteorite wrong" that kindled your
interest in meteorites about six months ago. You thanked me for that, and
wrote: "I think of the IMCA as an organization representative of honesty and
responsibility and will some day be happy to join if you will have me." And
I told you that you would be welcome.

So what made you change your mind that fast? Now you are calling our
Vice-President words (which I won't repeat, and for which you already
apologized, somewhat halfheartedly), and you are calling the IMCA a "corrupt
organization"... Based on what? The "confidential information" of people who
weren't accepted as IMCA members in the past, or former members who have
been expelled from our Association for not respecting our simple Code of
Ethics (to which each member agrees to adhere prior to joining)? People that
might have an interest in instrumentalizing you as a newbie to "pay back" to
the bad people at the big bad IMCA? Make sure where you get your
"information" from. You seem to be easily impressed, and I recommend you not
to take everything at face value what you are told.

The IMCA is run by a Board of Directors consisting of 9 elected Board
Members from 5 different countries, and most of us Board members are no
meteorite dealers. And if the minority of Board Members who are dealers and
could have "conflicting interests" were as "corrupt" as you might think, how
does it come that they are elected and re-elected by our membership? How
does it come that "conflicting interests" don't play any role when it comes
to votes and decisions on our Board of Directors? I think I, as the
President of this Association, should be aware of that, right? I can assure
you that you are totally wrong, not just about Anne Black but also about our
Association. The IMCA Board of Directors, including Anne Black, have been
involved in helping clearing up the pairing situation of NWA 5400 and its
aleged pairings ever since this subject has been brought to our attention.
Many questions still need to be answered, but that's in the nature of the
subject as it requires oxygen isotope testing and more - something that
takes time; so please be patient in this regard, and don't jump to premature

Yes Barry, silence might be a plague sometimes, but it's sure better than to
rant about people you barely know, and about subjects you are not familiar
with. I still won't hold this against you as you are obviously a newbie, and
easily impressed. Anyway, since you brought this up in public I thought a
public response would be appropriate. And I think another apology to the
entire IMCA would be in order - we are surely no "corrupt organization", and
I and many other IMCA find it insulting that you are making such outrageous
and unqualified statements in public.

All the best,
Norbert Classen
President IMCA Inc.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

I'll tell you right know...I wanted to become a member of IMCA and asked a
couple of good friends who agreed.  I would no longer belong to this corrupt
organization than I would belong to the KKK.  What a farce Ann Black has
made of a chance for a legitimate organization for
collectors and dealers to gather and exchange.   Conflicting interest
is a joke here....silence is a plague that I can no longer ignore.
Go ahead and grease your pole with silence but it works both ways.....you
have to live with this bitch...I don't.......I'm a buyer and I can buy from

On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 10:11 PM, Barry Hughes <bhug...@sneezy.com> wrote:
> Yes...I remember that.  I felt like apologizing to him, myself.
> Thanks Carl....we'll get this straightened out tonight.
> On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 9:59 PM,  <cdtuc...@cox.net> wrote:
>> Richard, Anne, List,
>> This has a lot of us smoking right now. I am pressing send anyway here.
>> The truly sad thing about this is that Anne herself is the one who
claimed in an earlier email that Tony did in fact have some of NWA 5363
>> She went on to tell us all to be patient.
>> This after she was made fully aware that Dr Jambon as a qualified
scientist, had already confirmed the pairing with NWA 5400.
>> This is his exact quote " NWA 5363 is undoubtedly paired with NWA 5400"
>> In the same email Dr. Jambon went on to say that; " I have been 
>> insulted.
>> My Moroccan partners have been insulted too.
>> We all wait for apology".
>> Although at this time I think he might have been referring to Greg.
>> Unless I missed it.  Nobody has yet offered any kind of apology or even
an explanation of why they would insult him.
>> I can't help but wonder why a board member of the IMCA would continue to
insult a very important scientist in our field?
>> It seems to me an IMCA board member would try to do all they can to keep
from alienating and insulting our scientists.
>> Anne what if some day the IMCA needs a favor from Dr. Jambon? Did you
ever think of that?
>> Sorry Anne but, you are way out of line here because I personally made
sure you got a copy of Dr. Jambons email to this list.
>> Look it up yourself in archives from June 23rd, 2010 in an email posted
by Zelimer Gabelica with the subject; Pairings to NWA 5400.
>> Or I can email it to you again if you'd like.
>> As far as I am concerned this matter has been settled since that email
date and I would like to offer Dr. Jambon my personal apologies for not
asking Anne to cool her guns until now.
>> Anne please cool your guns and respect Dr. Jambon's work.
>> It has been stated all along that all of this material originated from
Mbarek. There was really no reason to believe it was ever  anything but
>> Carl
>> --
>> Carl or Debbie Esparza
>> Meteoritemax
>> ---- Richard Kowalski <damoc...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> Interesting Anne.
>>> And sad.
>>> I was under the impression that he was sent samples of NWA 5363 over two
months ago. At least that is what I was assured in a private email by
another party.
>>> I was hoping to see a satisfactory resolution to this controversy some
time soon, but I guess it isn't to be. Ah well. It must have gotten lost in
the mail.
>>> --
>>> Richard Kowalski
>>> Full Moon Photography
>>> IMCA #1081
>>> --- On Thu, 8/19/10, impact...@aol.com <impact...@aol.com> wrote:
>>> > From: impact...@aol.com <impact...@aol.com>
>>> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NWA 6292 2.110 gram
>>> > To: gmh...@htn.net, stanleygr...@hotmail.com, 
>>> > rickm...@earthlink.net, meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com, 
>>> > p.mar...@sunrise.ch
>>> > Date: Thursday, August 19, 2010, 5:43 PM Right.
>>> > We all need to be patient, and let the experts do their work.
>>> >
>>> > However, last time I talked to Tony Irving, he still did not have 
>>> > a specimen of NWA 5363.
>>> > So if anyone of you would be willing to help be providing a piece 
>>> > of it it certainly would be very nice. It does not need to be a 
>>> > big fragment, a few grams would probably do.
>>> >
>>> > And if you do have some NWA 5363, please contact me off List.
>>> > Thank you.
>>> >
>>> > Anne M. Black
>>> > _http://www.impactika.com/_ (http://www.impactika.com/) 
>>> > _impact...@aol.com_
>>> > (mailto:impact...@aol.com)
>>> >
>>> > Vice-President, I.M.C.A. Inc.
>>> > _http://www.imca.cc_ (http://www.imca.cc)
>>> >
>>> >
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