I'm normally just a lurker here on the forum, soaking up info and playing with my meteorites.

Barry, This is such a great response to the message below, and quite reasonable in the rebuke area considering the original message. I've considered membership in IMCA just so I could better connect to other collectors and dealers to both buy and sell rocks from space.

Everyone have a great weekend!

From: "Norbert Classen" <riffr...@timewarp.de>
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2010 9:21 AM
To: "'Barry Hughes'" <bhug...@sneezy.com>; <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NWA 6292 2.110 gram

Hello Barry,

I usually won't even respond to that kind of unqualified "IMCA bashing"
emails, but since you seem to be new to meteorites and the meteorite
community I'd like to say a few words, just for the records & in public:

You actually applied for IMCA membership less than a few weeks ago, but when
I told you that your recommending members would have to write us a short
recommendation letter you backed out and told me that you weren't aware that recommendation letters were required - even though this is clearly stated on
our "Join" page and repeated in the confirmation email sent out by our
system. I didn't hold this against you, and I still don't. I even helped you
with the identification of the "lunar meteorite wrong" that kindled your
interest in meteorites about six months ago. You thanked me for that, and
wrote: "I think of the IMCA as an organization representative of honesty and responsibility and will some day be happy to join if you will have me." And
I told you that you would be welcome.

So what made you change your mind that fast? Now you are calling our
Vice-President words (which I won't repeat, and for which you already
apologized, somewhat halfheartedly), and you are calling the IMCA a "corrupt organization"... Based on what? The "confidential information" of people who
weren't accepted as IMCA members in the past, or former members who have
been expelled from our Association for not respecting our simple Code of
Ethics (to which each member agrees to adhere prior to joining)? People that might have an interest in instrumentalizing you as a newbie to "pay back" to
the bad people at the big bad IMCA? Make sure where you get your
"information" from. You seem to be easily impressed, and I recommend you not
to take everything at face value what you are told.

The IMCA is run by a Board of Directors consisting of 9 elected Board
Members from 5 different countries, and most of us Board members are no
meteorite dealers. And if the minority of Board Members who are dealers and could have "conflicting interests" were as "corrupt" as you might think, how
does it come that they are elected and re-elected by our membership? How
does it come that "conflicting interests" don't play any role when it comes
to votes and decisions on our Board of Directors? I think I, as the
President of this Association, should be aware of that, right? I can assure you that you are totally wrong, not just about Anne Black but also about our
Association. The IMCA Board of Directors, including Anne Black, have been
involved in helping clearing up the pairing situation of NWA 5400 and its
aleged pairings ever since this subject has been brought to our attention.
Many questions still need to be answered, but that's in the nature of the
subject as it requires oxygen isotope testing and more - something that
takes time; so please be patient in this regard, and don't jump to premature

Yes Barry, silence might be a plague sometimes, but it's sure better than to
rant about people you barely know, and about subjects you are not familiar
with. I still won't hold this against you as you are obviously a newbie, and
easily impressed. Anyway, since you brought this up in public I thought a
public response would be appropriate. And I think another apology to the
entire IMCA would be in order - we are surely no "corrupt organization", and I and many other IMCA find it insulting that you are making such outrageous
and unqualified statements in public.

All the best,
Norbert Classen
President IMCA Inc.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

I'll tell you right know...I wanted to become a member of IMCA and asked a
couple of good friends who agreed. ......
RANT Snip!
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