Hi List,

I have been watching this growing clusterfrick from the sidelines and
I don't like a lot of what I am hearing.  There are some
misconceptions in circulation and there are obviously some hard
feelings developing here.

First, as anyone with longevity on this list knows, I have butted
heads with the IMCA in the past.  I felt unfairly judged by the IMCA
when I was a fresh-faced idealistic (and naive) newbie, and I said
some things in public that were regrettable and I sincerely apologized
for them.  Since then, I have stayed silent on the list about the IMCA
and quietly gone about my own business.  I have no ill-will towards
the IMCA and I would hope that the feeling is mutual.  I am not going
to go into gory details and rehash the whole episode.  For those who
are new, here is brief summary - I applied to join, I was politely
rejected, and then I noticed some inconsistencies in the membership
process that raised questions in my mind.  I went to 3 board members,
in private, and I politely shared these concerns and asked for some
kind of explanation.  Again, I received polite replies, but these
replies did not address my questions and I was left wondering about
the IMCA's policy towards newbies.

Then, I made my biggest and most regrettable mistake.  I suggested a
new group to be called the "Meteorite Working Group" and I announced
this group on the list.  I used a poor choice of words when I
described the group (in part) as "an alternative to the IMCA".  This
gave the wrong impression and I was literally attacked for it - in
public and private.  My intentions were good and I had no agenda or
ulterior motive.  I wanted to provide a free place on the web for
newbies to get hard information on meteorites and a place for
educators to come and get free outreach materials.  At that time,
there was not a centralized place that was open to the public where
people could go get outreach materials or reference materials for
free, or without joining some group that required vetting.  I
envisioned a watering hole where people could talk freely about
meteorites, compare notes, and make positive impacts on the meteorite
community.  I had no intent whatsoever of competing with the IMCA or
replacing the IMCA.  I looked at the Meteorite Working Group as a step
on the ladder to eventually joining the IMCA or having a larger
presence in the community - a training ground or farm team of sorts.

After I received some negative feedback about it (some of it rude and
accusatory, and some of it coming from long-time IMCA members), I took
it personally and I vented some frustrations about the IMCA in public.
 Those ventings were regrettable and after being politely lectured in
private by a couple of outstanding IMCA members, I cooled off and
decided that I was over-reacting and was being harsh.  So I apologize
again (and meant it), dropped the Meteorite Working Group, and have
stayed silent about the IMCA since then.

Strangely, the tale took another unexpected turn.  Around this time,
an IMCA member contacted me in private (out of the blue) and made some
stunning allegations about unethical behavior being conducted by other
long-time IMCA members.  I was floored by what I heard and I didn't
know what to think.  Why would this member confide these things in me?
 If the allegations were not true, then why make them in the first
place?  I saw no reason for this person to lie to me, so again, I
contacted a long-time IMCA member and shared these allegations in
private, and asked for counsel.  I was told that the allegations were
likely to be untrue, but my IMCA friend could not absolutely refute
them because it was the first time he had heard them and he was not in
a position to know all of the facts about the people involved.  This
eased my concerns, but it still left lingering doubts in the back of
mind about the people allegedly involved.  I have never repeated these
allegations again to anyone, in public or private, because I realize
they are unsubstantiated allegations made by someone who I really
don't know very well.

Since that time, I have focused on meteorites and not the behind the
scenes machinations that may or may not be happening.  I have
maintained a largely-neutral stance towards the IMCA and it my genuine
belief that the goals of the IMCA are noble and worthy of support.  I
count several members (including some long-time members, board
members, and former board members) as my friends, and we have had
extensive dealings.  One member in particular has been a mentor to me.
 This person has shown me a great deal of patience and understanding
towards me and has done a great deal to enrich my knowledge of
meteorites and my enjoyment of the hobby.  I feel a great debt of
gratitude towards this person, and I think this person exemplifies the
best of the IMCA - not just because I was treated nicely, but because
this person went out of their way (for no apparent benefit) to school
me on how things work in the world of meteorites.  Whenever I had a
question, it was answered.  Whenever I had a concern, it was
addressed.  This is how we should all treat the newbies in our midst
and I have tried to model my participation in meteorites after this
person - to emulate their passion for meteorites.

I don't care for the language and tone this issue has taken on.  There
is no need for public hostility, harsh language or accusations.  We
all share a passion for meteorites and what they represent and we
should use this common passion to unite us, and not create division in
the ranks.  People from outside the hobby who are reading this blowup
will get the wrong idea about meteorites and the personalities
involved with them - and that is something that none of us want.

Another thing I don't like is the implication that non-IMCA dealers
are not trustworthy.  That is not true.  Regardless of whether some
people like me or not, my integrity as a dealer or collector has never
been called into question.  Every specimen I sold, down to the last
tiny speck, is 100% authentic and is exactly what I said it was.  Any
newbie can come to me and get a genuine specimen with solid provenance
- even if it's a tiny speck that can be moved by static electricity.
If I sold something as Ensisheim, Lafayette, or any other rarity, you
can bet your life that it is indeed Ensisheim or Lafayette.  I will
gladly eat a steaming bowl of turtle poo if anyone bought something
off of me that was not what I said it was.

Sure, if a newbie picks an eBay seller at random, without doing their
homework, then their chances of getting burned are reduced if that
seller is an IMCA member.  But, this does not mean that every non-IMCA
dealer should be viewed with suspicion.  I know there are some people
out there who would love to see me be discredited and go away - I will
not give them that satisfaction or dirty my own reputation be engaging
in any business that is unethical or illegal.  My glass house is 100%
in order and I quit throwing stones a long time ago.  And I expect the
same in return - no IMCA member should spread the false idea that
non-members are not reliable.  The majority of fakes being sold on the
market are obviously fakes and anyone who has done a rudimentary
amount of homework will now that when they see it.  The real danger is
people who take real meteorites of common types and misrepresent them
as another type or fall that is more rare and valuable.  That is much
harder to spot than most of the obvious fakes floating around on eBay.
 And that is exactly why I buy all of my specimens from reliable
sources with longevity in the community - people with spotless
reputations.  Some of my sources are IMCA members, some are not.  But
all of them are reliable and trustworthy or I would not have any
dealings with them.  I collect what I sell, and I respect the
intregrity of my own collection and the collections of those who
purchase from me.

Sadly, meteorites are special, but they are no different than any
other valuable collectible on the market.  There is politics,
intrigues, competition, and unethical behavior - just like there is
with coins, stamps, baseball cards, autographs, or any other
collectible.  But, I like to think that meteorites do have something
extra special going for them - the majority of people reading this are
very educated and they respect the truly special nature of meteorites
that sets these space rocks apart from the mundane collectibles.  We
see less fraud and scams than many of these other collectibles.  This
is due, in parts, to the people involved and the IMCA.  The meteorite
world is still a relatively small place, and word gets around fast.
And memories are long and transgressions are not easily overlooked.
One misstep and a dealer is blacklisted for life.  I would like to
think that other dealers who are not IMCA members, like myself, will
uphold the same level of ethics and good business that any IMCA member
would.  I have read the IMCA charter/bylaws and even though I am not a
member, I uphold those standards in my dealings like any honest decent
person should.  And something to think about - if you buy from an IMCA
member, there is a good chance you are buying a specimen that has
passed through this non-member's hands.  Specimens I have sold or
traded have ended up in the resale inventories of IMCA members.  So if
non-IMCA members are not trustworthy, then why do IMCA conduct
business with me that come back to bite them in the behind if I am not
a reputable person?

Barry is a newbie and I genuinely think he has a passion for
meteorites and he entered this hobby bright-eyed, naive, and
idealistic like many of us did.  And he was disappointed when things
seemed to be contrary to his expectations.  That does not excuse his
outburst, but I think it provides some context.  I have done business
with Barry and spoken with him in private, and I think he is a good
guy at heart who happened to stick his foot in his mouth in
spectacular fashion.  I cannot judge him for that because I have done
the same thing, more than once.  The meteorite world can also be a
forgiving place, if your transgression does not involve fraud or the
meteorites themselves.  I have been forgiven by many in the IMCA and I
have extensive dealings with them - once I pried my foot out of my
considerable mouth.  I hope we give Barry a second chance, and use
this outburst as a learning opportunity.

Ok, that's my two cents.  Actual worth may vary.  I will now shut up.

Best regards and let's get back to meteorites,


On 8/20/10, Shawn Alan <photoph...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Barry,
> I am floored from what I read today of what transpired over the course of 12
> hours..... I am gone from the List for less then a day and I read these
> harsh words your saying about IMCA and saying its corrupt, and to top
> it off, you verbally assaulting a List member. I am sorry I cant stand back
> anymore with your blow ups on the List Berry and your attach's on a member
> and the IMCA. Anne is a great women and how dare you say those words to her.
> She and other people make meteorite collecting a safe and enjoyable
> environment. If it wasn't for the IMCA meteorite collecting would be a
> different world, with corruption, lying and cheating. The IMCA is a place
> for people to have a place for  belonging, a place to having the ability to
> contribute to an activity that they enjoy doing and be able to allow other
> member of the meteorite community to have the security that they know that
> they are getting a meteorite and not a rock.
> Shawn Alan
> IMCA 1633
> [meteorite-list] NWA 6292 2.110 gramBarry Hughes bhughes at sneezy.com
> Thu Aug 19 22:38:08 EDT 2010
> Previous message: [meteorite-list] NWA 6292 2.110 gram
> Next message: [meteorite-list] NWA 6292 2.110 gram
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> I'll tell you right know...I wanted to become a member of IMCA and
> asked a couple of good friends who agreed. I would no longer belong
> to this corrupt organization than I would belong to the KKK. What a
> farce Ann Black has made of a chance for a legitimate organization for
> collectors and dealers to gather and exchange. Conflicting interest
> is a joke here....silence is a plague that I can no longer ignore.
> Go ahead and grease your pole with silence but it works both
> ways.....you have to live with this bitch...I don't.......I'm a buyer
> and I can buy from anyone.
> On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 10:11 PM, Barry Hughes <bhughes at sneezy.com>
> wrote:
>> Yes...I remember that.  I felt like apologizing to him, myself.
>> Thanks Carl....we'll get this straightened out tonight.
>> On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 9:59 PM,  <cdtucson at cox.net> wrote:
>>> Richard, Anne, List,
>>> This has a lot of us smoking right now. I am pressing send anyway here.
>>> Sorry.
>>> The truly sad thing about this is that Anne herself is the one who
>>> claimed in an earlier email that Tony did in fact have some of NWA 5363
>>> already.
>>> She went on to tell us all to be patient.
>>> This after she was made fully aware that Dr Jambon as a qualified
>>> scientist, had already confirmed the pairing with NWA 5400.
>>> This is his exact quote " NWA 5363 is undoubtedly paired with NWA 5400"
>>> In the same email Dr. Jambon went on to say that;
>>> " I have been insulted.
>>> My Moroccan partners have been insulted too.
>>> We all wait for apology".
>>> Although at this time I think he might have been referring to Greg.
>>> Unless I missed it.  Nobody has yet offered any kind of apology or even
>>> an explanation of why they would insult him.
>>> I can't help but wonder why a board member of the IMCA would continue to
>>> insult a very important scientist in our field?
>>> It seems to me an IMCA board member would try to do all they can to keep
>>> from alienating and insulting our scientists.
>>> Anne what if some day the IMCA needs a favor from Dr. Jambon? Did you
>>> ever think of that?
>>> Sorry Anne but, you are way out of line here because I personally made
>>> sure you got a copy of Dr. Jambons email to this list.
>>> Look it up yourself in archives from June 23rd, 2010 in an email posted
>>> by Zelimer Gabelica with the subject; Pairings to NWA 5400.
>>> Or I can email it to you again if you'd like.
>>> As far as I am concerned this matter has been settled since that email
>>> date and I would like to offer Dr. Jambon my personal apologies for not
>>> asking Anne to cool her guns until now.
>>> Anne please cool your guns and respect Dr. Jambon's work.
>>> It has been stated all along that all of this material originated from
>>> Mbarek. There was really no reason to believe it was ever  anything but
>>> paired.
>>> Carl
>>> --
>>> Carl or Debbie Esparza
>>> Meteoritemax
>>> ---- Richard Kowalski <damoclid at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>> Interesting Anne.
>>>> And sad.
>>>> I was under the impression that he was sent samples of NWA 5363 over two
>>>> months ago. At least that is what I was assured in a private email by
>>>> another party.
>>>> I was hoping to see a satisfactory resolution to this controversy some
>>>> time soon, but I guess it isn't to be. Ah well. It must have gotten lost
>>>> in the mail.
>>>> --
>>>> Richard Kowalski
>>>> Full Moon Photography
>>>> IMCA #1081
>>>> --- On Thu, 8/19/10, Impactika at aol.com <Impactika at aol.com> wrote:
>>>> > From: Impactika at aol.com <Impactika at aol.com>
>>>> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NWA 6292 2.110 gram
>>>> > To: gmhupe at htn.net, stanleygregr at hotmail.com, rickmont at
>>>> > earthlink.net, meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com, p.marmet at
>>>> > sunrise.ch
>>>> > Date: Thursday, August 19, 2010, 5:43 PM
>>>> > Right.
>>>> > We all need to be patient, and let the experts do their
>>>> > work.
>>>> >
>>>> > However, last time I talked to Tony Irving, he still did
>>>> > not have a
>>>> > specimen of NWA 5363.
>>>> > So if anyone of you would be willing to help be providing a
>>>> > piece of it it
>>>> > certainly would be very nice. It does not need to be a big
>>>> > fragment, a few
>>>> > grams would probably do.
>>>> >
>>>> > And if you do have some NWA 5363, please contact me off
>>>> > List.
>>>> > Thank you.
>>>> >
>>>> > Anne M. Black
>>>> > _http://www.impactika.com/_ (http://www.impactika.com/)
>>>> > _IMPACTIKA at aol.com_
>>>> > (mailto:IMPACTIKA at aol.com)
>>>> >
>>>> > Vice-President, I.M.C.A. Inc.
>>>> > _http://www.imca.cc_ (http://www.imca.cc)
>>>> >
>>>> >
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Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites
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