One issue I find hard to understand is the video clearly shows a "slow"
moving object compared to a missile launch. rockets tend to be very fast,
you can visibly see the movement relative to clouds and alien space craft,
where with an aircraft the movement is had to see sometimes when you see it
from hundreds of miles away.

watch around 30 seconds to see the speed of ascent.

Robert Ellsworth pointed out it could be a ICBM, since it looks like an
air-breathing flight instead of sub-orbital.

Rob Holcomb
Meteorite storage and preservation

From: "R N Hartman" <>
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 1:51 AM
To: "Ted Bunch" <>; "Meteorite1" <>; "George Blahun" <>
Cc: <>
Subject: [meteorite-list] Confirmed details and graphic -- a jet contrail

Plane identified as being exactly in the path of the contrail at the exact time and correct altitude. Coming from Hawaii and passing over Catalina Island on way to Phoenix. Exact match and all details explained.

See the explanation:
and  details of the plane's flight and flight path graphic.

Google search:  southerncaliforniaweatherauthority

Ron Hartman

----- Original Message ----- From: "George Blahun" <>
To: "Ted Bunch" <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 1:50 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Not a missile -- a jet contrail

After reserving judgement I find myself in the "probably aircraft" camp. What I find somewhat unsettling is after a couple days of wondering, the FAA, the military and the government aren't able to say with certainty what it was. This isn't an illegal alien slipping across the border, it's a big contrail leaving craft. If it can leave a contrail, there should be a record of it. I suppose it could have been a black project, but even then I'd expect a cover story which was definitive.


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